Returning after a long break (Avatar of Ursol)


I havent played since the end of MOP basicly, and thought i would get started again, and right as i login i see another druid with a badass looking druid form (Guardian of Ursol) but as i didnt play Leagion i have no idea where to get started. most guides basicly tell you to do a huge questline called Balance of power, but i dont even know where to get it, what i need to do to be viable to get it aso. any chans anyone could give me a idiots guide on what i need to do?

thanks in advance <3

Avatar of Ursol:

If that is the case, then you do need to do the Balance of Power questline.

Here are screenshots of all the Guardian Artefact forms

All of the Artefact forms are still available, except the Mage Tower one, the were-bear form.

If you want to do Balance of Power for Avatar of Ursol, it’s quite straightforward, but long. Very long. A lot of steps. I can’t list them all.

Your first practical step is to get to level 60, and item level 150+. You are going to need to solo a bunch of Legion dungeons on Mythic, and that’s about the level of power you will want.

Then do the Druid Legion Class Hall campaign.

Then do the Balance of Power storyline starting from this quest here:

At that point, you have unlocked the basic form, with the Green tint.

You can earn the Blue tint by killing all the Legion World Bosses.

You can earn the Purple tint by completing any Mythic+15. This will have to be a Shadowlands M+15, since M+ is no longer available in Legion.

You can earn the Red tint by completing the Legion Dungeon Hero achievement.


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