Returning CE player - LFG in WW

Hey there,

I’m a returning cutting edge player with tons of experience, I have been a raider, main tank and raid leader of the guild "Last Resort " from the very beginning of the game. I had to stop after the Legion expansion, due to IRL things and I’m now back looking for a 2-3 days raiding guild that is doing mythic raiding.

I usually play as a tank (any and all tank classes), however I also play warlock and mage, as most stable guilds have a good roster of tanks and even a back-up on most occasions.

From me, you can expect everything from a serious raider - Discord, communication, calling out mechanics, prepared with tactics prior to first pull, with 100% attendance (in case of unavailability I will anounce prior to the date) . And although I don’t have any logs at the moment, on youtube there are videos of the mythic kills of KJ and Argus, for some reference.

If you have questions, please feel free to contact me.
@bnet - Grimangel#2222

If anyone is interested, reach out to me

you raided at the same time as us, i remember your guild and had a friend in there, iv added you mate

Thanks for reaching out mate, I will ping you today or at worse tomorrow, and we can have a chat on discord, as I suspect you will have some questions.

Do you ever get impulsively hysterical? SaveCowEatPanda is recruiting crash test dummies. If you survive, we will be willingly let you have a second go while reviewed with expended guidance on grass, pizza and alcohol.

I do have to admit, pizza and booze sounds lovely, I will hop of discord tomorrow. Have been hard stuck with few folks today.