Returning healer lf mythic raiding guild

Hello everyone!

I’m a returning player looking for a mythic raiding guild. I’ve been playing since early Wrath but now I’ve been away from the game for a long time, only popping in here and there during the “AP expansions” to kill some bosses, then I left again because I absolutely hated the AP grind fest outside of raids. I thought my raiding days were behind me but with the new announcements the future for WoW actually seems to be bright once again and I got the itch to raid again.

So I’m looking for a mythic raiding guild to progress the hardest content WoW has to offer. I prefer a healing role and I’ve been playing around with a preservation Evoker which seems pretty fun, so I’d prefer to main that. Otherwise I have the most healing experience as a resto Shaman (Cata to WoD and like 5 mythic Nathria bosses in SL).

If your guild is looking for a healer let me know or add me on Btag: Kosez#2403

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