Returning Horde player looking for PvE (M+/raiding) and PvP EU guild

Been away from the game for a little bit, still figuring out some of the new stuff but really enjoying myself already.

Have a assortment of characters currently leveling and gearing all of them for a few different forms of content such as M+/raiding and PvP (RBG and Arena).

In the past I have tackled various roles like tanking and healing for raids and M+. Also DPS but to a much lesser extent.

My roster currently consists of:

80 rShaman, mainly for pvp
80 prot/holy Paladin, pve

And working on Warrior, Druid and DK.

I can be around quite a bit, but life also expects certain other things from me (looking at wife) so availability depends on schedule.

Im looking for a group of likeminded people, at the very least english speakers but dutch would be perfect.

Don’t know if I’ve missed anything, but ask away if you think your group fits the bill!

I see now I’ve posted this from a certain random character from my roster…

Morning mate.

Me and some friends have returned recently too and formed a guild. Ill leave our forum post for you to have a look at and see if our mentality and raid times suit you.

Let me know. Good luck!