Returning player.. did Blizz nerf blood DKs?

I last played in Cataclysm and I don’t remember being this squishy as a tank. Did death strike used to heal for more or something? Does the survivability get better at higher level? Almost every pull it feels like I have struggle to stay alive.

death strike will heal more the more dmg u are taking, u take dmg and u heal.

while leveling by tanking dungs nothing should really be a threat unless is one of the punishing mechanics from cata bosses

with ur gear u shouldnt even need much of a healer on leveling wrath dungs

I think it’s because I haven’t gotten blood shield yet, and also because I was undergeared.

Blood shield is virtually useless, so don’t get your hopes up. Mastery is straight up garbage stat for Blood at the moment.

There is a nice guide on wowhead:

The DK discord is also helpful:

There are many issues compared to the cataclysm version which was kinda undeniably op.

  1. blood shield is nerfed, blocking less

  2. Death strike is nerfed, costing an obscene amount of runic power while dealing reduced damage and provides less effective health.

  3. You are now forced to waste runes on marrowrend just to be able to take 2 hits… because you don’t have armour without it… oh and for some reason don’t start with a few passive bone shield charges coz foo.

  4. Vampiric blood was nerfed, longer cooldown etc.

  5. anti magic shell was nerfed, longer cooldown and joke absorb cap.

  6. You are now forced to hold onto runic power because you “might” get hit big soon.

enough of that, there are plenty of ways it is just outright weaker, however this is a problem for just about every tank except warriors, blizzard have placed too much focus on this active tanking thing and missed something important about tanks… They often like being tanky but they do not like having to focus on tanking, thus why there was an epidemic of dps oriented tanking in cata/wrath,

because it is fun to be tanky and put out damage and it is not fun to just be a health sponge.

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I have to ask if you are playing other tanks?
I can tell you from a perspective of someone who does, Warriors, Monks, Paladins and Guardians are all comparably close in their survivability.
I’m explicitly talking about M+ tanking, since is the only content I tank.

Not “ALL” tanks suffer from the same problems. DH and DK are self-healing and reactive tanks while the rest are proactive and damage-reducing tanks, and as the current design stands the latter are more effective.

This is an azerite necklace problem, not a class issue.

They have essentially granted the other tanks the ability to utilise more healing and sponge capabilities akin to that of the blood dk via the necklace that should not even be in the game to begin with.

It effectively allows any tank to obtain all of the advantages that a blood dk would normally have without actually gaining the disadvantages, just look at how You can gain additional self-healing and what is basically anti-magic shell+.

I feel like your statement actually reinforces my opinion even more. Since the current design made the gap between reactive and proactive tanks more apparent but it equalized proactive tanks between each other even more.

You try to get around your initial statement. My issue with what you said is that you equilized all tanks as having similar issues with the DK, apart from the warrior who you set apart as a higher tier tank. Which is not true.
Yes Warrior is still a top tier tank but the tanks I mentioned above also had their performance greatly enhanced to the point that they compete with Warriors, and that shows from the change in population.
DK and DH unfortnately took the oposite route becoming less comtetitive.

So yes there is a big problem between proactive vs reactive tank balance, but general most tanks got more even and had a lot of issues fixed.

and I quite clearly said, that this is a necklace issue and not a class issue.

When an item is an issue then a class that should not rightly be doing something suddenly starts doing it.

Warrior, being the undisputed best tank due to not actually needing to do anything to tank effectively now has the ability to heal and utilise additional actives, the “thing” of another tank. This would clearly outline why the necklace is not a good thing for the game.

A class should primarly be running on it’s own power and the majority of its power should come from itself.

As soon as you start making items that do things better than the classes can then you start to lose the class identity in the game, and when this happens people will gravitate towards a single choice, the best choice. After all, why take a blood dk if a warrior has access to an item that gives him all the benefits of a blood dk but the dk cannot gain the benefits of being a warrior via this method?

The obvious answer is that you wouldn’t, we call this being obsolete, blood can still tank everything, theres just something better at it, and this is a trait reflected among all of the death knight specs, the class has not aged well.

This is nonsense. When you stop pressing buttons on a warrior you die as fast as any plate spec.

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