Returning Player from Classic


I’ve decided to try and give retail RP another go, as the RP on hydraxian Waterlord has unfortunately, died out on the Classic Servers.

I am currently, considering returning with two character.
A undead spiderbreeder and a Night Elf Sentinel with a nightsaber companion.

Before I make up my mind i’d like to know, if there is any/much RP around?
For the Undead I primarily considered Silverpine and the Plaguelands, while the elf is primarily in the areas of Feralas or Ashenvale (And the areas inbetween)

If you wish to avenge Teldrassil and stab some Horde, Dirge of Teldrassil like some fresh meet into they ranks.

Currently we travel around the World yet still stabbing Horde is our job.


Spiderbreeder huh? If doing crime is your thing I have just the crossfaction guild.

For Night elf Sentinel - check out the

[A-RP] Night Elf Roleplay - Argent Dawn - World of Warcraft Forums (

We’re around in Silverpine most nights! There are a few Argent guilds that you might bump into in the Plaguelands too, as well as more wonderful Forsaken guilds - Loyalist fools, pro-Calia nutters, and good ol’ honest Forsaken just tryin’ to get by. I can’t comment on the Kalimdor side of things sadly.


I know that the Glaivewings and the Nightblade Sentinels are both active for sentinel rp in Kalimdor, which sounds like what you’re after. Either it’s nice to see interest in sentinel rp, good luck finding the right spot for you!

I am aware of quite the vibrant Non-Sylvanas and civilian Forsaken RP community floating around Silverpine and Hillsbrad these days, especially if you’re after the grim drudgery of military rp for said spiderbreeder.

And as mentioned there are always Night Elf centric guilds on Kalimdor to join in, though mileage may vary with activity (and that’s a problem with a lot of guilds at the moment sadly.)

Ashenvale has been buzzing with activity the past few weeks to my experience!
Both with guilds and individuals.
Two seperate Draenei guilds even ventured to the area (Shaur & Oronaar), which was fun to briefly interact with.

It’s been a joy to interact with them all, although I definitely feel like my Kaldorei ought to join a night elf guild eventually. If your sentinel character is up for some reconnaissance and keeping the more bold members of the Horde out of the forest, then I’m always up for some sponteanous scouting RP - Traversing the forest.

There may be “peace” on paper, but it has been broken before. Zalia definitely doesn’t trust it.

Ashenvale has an active slice of the community as does Feralas (still) and Stonetalon. Sentinel rp is very much alive in Kalimdor.

I can certainly also recommend Forlorn order on the Horde side for forsaken rp, a lovely bunch of folks even if a bit flammable.

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