Ok, so I’ve come back to game to make a new character and run around opening stuff and exploring. Imagine my surprise, when suddenly all flight paths are open - I really dislike that. Any way to remove them from new characters? I’ve removed all characters from favourites but that didn’t help, since I guess, all characters make “warband”. Any suggestions or do I need to delete all 50+ of my chars and will that even help?
Yeah, I don’t like it either. But the devs have imposed it, and there is no way to get out of it.
I always liked exploring with a new character - just running around the map, getting the exploration notification, and racking up the flight points.
It’s gone. But pretty much everything that made levelling worthwhile is gone. Scaling killed it.
Even deleting all characters will not help you. The flight point knowledge is tied to your BattleNet account, so you’d have to open a new BattleNet for each character.
Deleting the chars won´t help as they were still previously unlocked on teh account.
My suggestion, banal as it may sound, is to simply not use them to travel to places you haven´t explored yet on Char X. Nobody is forcing you to take a taxi into the “great unknown”, you still have mounts and /or feet.
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