Returning Player LF Argent Dawn Guild


I am a returning player hoping to get involved with a more casual, friendly and social guild on Argent Dawn EU. I have past Mythic raiding experience, 6/10 CN, however I’d prefer to ride out the rest of Shadowlands in Heroic with the idea of maintaining a more relaxed play schedule.

I’d prefer a guild that focuses on 18+ members, as I’m 29 and not interested in communities with a predominantly younger player base.

As for the faction I’m not opposed, should I think a guild is a great fit, to switching over to Horde however I’d much prefer to stay Alliance. I’ve not raided at all since CN, so all the newer content isn’t something I’ve even looked into as of right now. I’m not too sure what sort of guild will be a good fit, as I know that the playerbase of the game as drifted off pretty drastically during the wait for new content.

If you’re interested in me as a player, or would like to ask some questions then please don’t hesitate to leave a response OR message me in-game. The character I’m thinking of playing is Ilendri.

Thanks for reading and I hope to hear from someone soon!

Hey there, please add me on Discord.


Hello there! If you’re still looking for a guild, maybe check out ‘our’ topic over at [A-PvE] Whitestar (Argent Dawn EU) recruiting for N/HC raids :wink:

Even though we’re currently on low energy mode for the holidays, we’re still taking applications :smiley:

If you have found something in the meantime though, good luck and enjoy!