Returning player LF casual guild, friends

Returning to WoW with the main goal of making new friends, looking for a guild to help facilitate that! Have past heroic-raiding experience as a healer, now looking to return to a more casual setting as a DPS to dip my toes back in the waters of raiding. Looking for a guild that primarily does normal raids or relaxed heroic runs but not aiming for mythic. Ideally I´m looking for smaller, inclusive communities that mainly communicate by text (outside of raiding and M+ of course), as I have some anxieties over voice chat. I´ll be starting from fresh, faction nor server matters not.

In return I´m bringing fairly reliable attendance (around 8pm-11pm server time on weekdays, also available in the morning. Weekends however are a bit of a question mark), good attitude, plenty of patience and likely endless hours of entertainment as a returning player who´s going to make every single mistake there is to make before I get my bearings. :slight_smile:

Hey Rosais !. Feel free to add me on my tag below and i can chat to you if that sounds okay .


Sent you a request, looking forward to it!

Hey there Rosais if you are still looking please add me on discord Nameless#7697

hey, I think we might be a good fit for you, take a look and add me if you have any questions! [A] Silvermoon <hulkomania> fresh guild looking to get AOTC!

It looks like your attitude and availability towards the game is very similar to ours. Feel free to have a look at and if you are interested get in touch :smiley:

Take care and have fun :smiley: