Returning Player LF Guild for leveling and a bit of RP


My name is Benignus, I live in The Netherlands, and I’m playing WoW since classic wasn’t classic but just WoW. So yeah, I’m old… At the moment really enjoying my time in War Within and love playing the game! But still I’m missing something!

My old guild is pretty dead, 600+ people with only 2 active players on a wednesday night I think that is a fair conclusion. Now that I’m enjoying the game again I really miss being part of a Guild, playing this game with a fun bunch of people escaping live (for a little bit, I have a good life), and make new friends while playing this amazing game!

I’m not really a good player (I have to be honest about that) but I’m learning and I feel pretty good about it. :slight_smile: I like progression and I love getting achievements. Also would love to do some RP I really like the concept, I tried it with my current Guild and really liked doing that!

If you read this and you think that I would be a good addition to your Guild please let me know. Because there are so many Guilds and the be honest I really don’t know how to choose between all of them!

Hope to speak to you soon!


Hi there :slight_smile: ,

Have a look at our guild, we don’t do any RP but the people are quite nice. Just a word of caution, becuase of the festive season a lot of players are not online so don’t be discourage when you see fewer than normal players online.

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Thanks! I will check this out tonight!

Hey there! Glad you are still enjoying the game! We are still looking for people for raiding and socials for new and experienced players! If you wanna contact or check us out, just hit up! Bunch of people with experience that loves to help people out!

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