Returning Player LF Guild

Hello everyone!

I’m Marijn a Belgian player looking for a new home for the War Within. I’ve been maining Enhancement Shaman for the most part of the two decades of WoW but I love most melee classes. For the War Within my main has not been ironed in yet but I’m leaning towards Windwalker Monk with Brewmaster offspec.

I’ve been playing WoW since 2004 but haven’t been hardcore since Legion. I’ve returned during every expansion and have experience in Mythic raiding altho I want to focus more on having fun this expansion rather than pushing Mythic raiding.

I’m looking for a guild that enjoys both M+ and Heroic Raiding but puts the emphasis on having a good time while doing the content, having a few laughs and just not focus look who parses higher every single fight.

My availability for raiding is very flexible and can mostly make all evenings between 7pm - 11pm server time.

You can contact me on Bnet Craith#2404 or Discord: KingKreeft

EDIT: Found a guild thank you all

Hey Kryani please feel free to check us out :slight_smile:

Hi Kyani!

Soul Crusaders EU might be what you’re looking for :slight_smile:

We’ve been around since 2007 and have always valued friendship, camaraderie and teamwork over pixels. These days, we love running M+ and have enjoyed amazing success in HC raids over the course of DF and SL and have enjoyed some Mythic boss kills in S3 and 4 DF for fun. Most of us also have tonnes of alts :joy: Our discord has loads of chatter as well :slight_smile:

Many of our members have very busy IRL commitments, including family, partners/spouses and health conditions, so we all understand the limits these things impose on our passion for gaming! :joy:

Our raids are Sun and Tues, 21:30 ST - 23:00 ST (to account for all those commitments like feeding kids, walking dogs, kids bedtimes, spouse/partner time, work commutes etc haha) but even with these shorter raid times, we have thoroughly enjoyed raiding success. We run various M+ levels on Wed/Thurs/Fri nights (also scheduled) - these change throughout the season, as interests change and skill and gear changes :slight_smile:

We are all very much looking forward to Prepatch next week - and cannot wait for TWW release :smiley: We’re on Turalyon/Doomhammer, but this shouldn’t matter from Wed onwards :crossed_fingers:

if you’d like to find out more, please get in touch - Discord is the probably the easiest as first contact: Lakshmii (or Lakshmii#0552 ) Alternatively, B-net is sheira#1910

You are welcome to join our DC server as well, but almost everything is gated with member access, so don’t be put off when you can’t see much on there! You’ll only be able to view what’s required for applying to the guild, if you don’t have member access.

Looking forward to hearing from you! :slight_smile:

One and ALL Guild a a casual raiding guild with chilled atmosphere perfect for mature working/parent people - Socials and M+ are welcome ofc
We raid Thurs-Friday around 21:00 PM server time -
we are 9/9H Guld and pugging 4/9M and currently recruiting for TWW

feel free to contact Dukafleed on Discord for Guild invite and more information
Sent you a friend request on Discrd

Hey Marijn ,

As a Belgian myself i would be nice to have some fellow belgians in the guild.
[Forgotten Souls ] are looking to recruit dps for the raid team for next patch. We raid Sun/Mon evenings each week, if you are interested please get in touch with me. Socials are also very welcome! We are a guild full of friends and we know each other for quite a while already.
We do allot of m+ when there is no raid.

If this sounds something for you , please message me.


Hey there

You could consider us too :slight_smile:

If your still looking for a place to call home we think you’ll fit in with the marmots :slight_smile: