Returning player LF Late night guild to call home

Hey there, I’m Sombs!

I’m a returning player in TWW. Last played expacs were BFA and Shadowlands.
Currently looking for a place to call home. Hopefully joing some M+ groups and some Heroic raiding now and on 11.1.

I’m currently spec’ing into Balance and learning Guardian.
I have a lvl 80 Druid on A and currently lvling a H druid as well!

As of late i can usually raid at later times (somewhere after 21h30/22 GMT) , since i became a father recently.

If there’s a space for me in a sociable and friendly home out there somewhere, kindly let me know :slight_smile: I’m tired of logging into a empty guild!

I’m a friendly bear <3

Hey :slight_smile:
We’re a small but active guild looking for more members! We raid on Fridays and Sundays at 20:00 server time and are active in Mythic+ as well.

If you’re interested or have any questions, feel free to DM me on Discord: milowismylove.

Join us and be part of a great team! :crossed_swords::sparkles:

Sounds Lovely! unfortunately 20pm ST is around 19pm for my timezone and at that time im currently tending to the baby still! Thank you for your time reaching out though! Wish your guild the best! :v:

Hello we are raiding 3 times a wwek 22:30-01:30 . Lets have a talk on battlenet avidima#2193