Player who started in Vanilla, returned this summer after a 3 expansion hiatus. Used to raid competitively and pretty hardcore, world top 100+, in multiple roles and specs. I’ve raidlead and been an officer as well.
Looking for a guild that’s pushing new content and having fun together. Prefer somewhere where alts are required. PTR content also welcome. Can raid any night of the week server time.
Would be fine to raid in any role, currently mostly playing aug evoker (and loving it! the support role fits me so well), holy paladin and warlock. Also at 70 I have a dh, hunter and monk.
At the moment I’m mostly running mythic+ pugs to gear and get better at the classes and specs, but I used to enjoy a lot of things outside of raiding, including archaeology, transmog runs and pet battling.
Hit me up if your team thinks they’ve got room for one more 
I’d be fine to change servers for a guild but don’t make me go Alliance 
Hey there , you still on the lookout for new guild ?
I think were a good match, so if youre interested in knowing more. You can contact me on discord
Or check out our guild recruitment post.
I Know you wanted a guild that do Mythics, were not there yet tho, but we can give you many oyhet things and eventually we may be there 
Hey.Add Fao#21189 for a chat.Would be interesting.
Add me on discord foe a chat bud! Abbadon2120, we are 7/9 mythic with echo on 48%
Hello Arlyx,
I am writing to you on behalf of Jailer Made Me Do it on Tarren Mill We are a guild formed in Dragonflight with the mindset of getting CE with 2 raid days a week. We have a strong core of experienced players with a multitude of cutting edges over the years and we are looking for a few extra players to fill out our roster. Currently 7/9m and we are making big strides with progression towards CE! if you are interested please feel free to either write me here or fill out our form here: forms.gle/wxodDT5LW7zM3o4R7