I’m a (basically) returning player looking for a guild with a tight community. A group that learn, progress, laugh & banter together in a steady progression. My guild called it quits in March and I’ve been messing around with alts and keeping up renown since.
I’m friendly, helpful & relaxed. I’m mainly after an AOTC guild with at least some attempts on mythic difficulty, and m+ of course. With a more active community than the Monday/Tuesday keys.
I’m a ranged dps / healer sitting at around 220 ilvl and have yet to enter SoD. I’m happy to help others and wish to be around people who have the same mindset, and ideally around same age of 30.
Look forward to hear from any of you and to share more details!
Hey there Chris,
I’m Danie from Tooth and Fang and we have a good group of guildies always up for a laugh with plenty of activity happening on a daily basis. We have 2 raiding teams and M+ events and about to start some pvp ones too. If you would like to know more please give me a message.
I have added you for a chat 
Hello Chris! Feel free to check us out: [H][Ghostlands] <Linemasters> 10/10 HC mature casual raiding guild recruiting to start Mythic - #3 by Roberts-ghostlands
We’re a group of good friends (+30 y/o) that focuses on HC raiding and M+ (we run them pretty much every evening). Although we don’t plan to raid Mythic for the time being due to roster constraints.
Hi Karapincha
I’ve added you on Battlenet and wouldn’t mind have a chat with you