Returning Player LF Weekend Mythic Raiding Guild

I jumped into TWW expecting to explore the new delves thing and keep it casual, but it really gripped me and I got the itch to get back into raiding.

I’ve been playing and raiding since WotLK, often trying to push the hardest content available, alas I’ve only played a few tiers of mythic raiding since AP grind began in Legion and that stuff made me quit every single time. Now it seems there’s no mandatory outside-of-raid grinds anymore and I’d love to give mythic raiding a spin again, but preferably on weekends.

I’ve leveled 8 classes to 80 so far just to see what’s fun and play them through heroic dungeons and haven’t really decided what to main yet. I can dps or heal and I’m flexible on the class/role pick, but I do like playing a class that can handle special tasks on encounters as I find that the most fun part of raiding.

Add me on Btag: Kosez#2403 and we can talk details.