Returning player looking for a hand

Hey there ^^

I’m Max and i am looking to make a comeback in the game. Im currently guildless and i have a DH on the Kazzak server on Horde side. I am kind of a tryhard player so i like to push high keys and stuff. Im low ilvl now 308 as i rerolled from monk to DH. I cleared the first raid on like 4 mythic bosses as monk healer. I’m now looking to play on my DH and i was wondering if there is a guild that is willing to get me up to speed. I don’t know what the fastest way now is to gear up so maybe if i can get some help i can be a valuable addition to your team <3.

Also interested in PvP.

kind regards,

warfronts and wq for 370+ ilvl items and higher to start with

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