Hi all,
I’ve recently come back to the game and I’m looking for a guild to call home. I’ve been playing many years but haven’t dabbled in mythics too much (I did get the mount reward from one of the Dragonflight seasons) and I haven’t actively been in a raid team for a long time.
I’m looking for a chilled out guild who like to run mythics, possibly raid and have some fun with. I’m literally only just ready for M0 so I have a bit of a grind and due to working full time and having a baby I’m only really active late on (around 7pm - 11pm UK time)
If you have a guild that fits then feel free to comment.
I dont even know if we’re still server locked on guilds so if we are then I play as Horde on Stormscale
Hey Shamansac, Welcome back to the game 
I feel like we could be a pretty good fit for you 
Check out our recruitment post if you feel like it Timeskip
Heres a TLDR:
- 2 Raids per week Wednesday/Monday 20:00-23:00 Server time.
- Currently recruiting a variety of classes / specs right now and always open to classes not listed.
- 8/8HC looking at building our team to venture into mythic very soon in the future.
Feel free to message me on Discord or Bnet 
Also guilds are no longer server or faction bound so you’re free to join whoever/wherever 
Disc: volto._.
Bnet: Volto#21126
Hi Voltdk!
I’ve had a look and you’re recruiting enh and ele but not resto
that’s absolutely fine though I’d be happy to join your ranks just to have people to play with 
I’ll add you on Bnet to grab the invite asap.
Thank you so much!
Hiya . Welcome back to wow 
If you haven’t found a new home yet , phoenix of the Sun might be the new home for you 
Some info about us:
Phoenix of the sun was founded almost 20 years ago as a PVE guild. Our biggest goal is to create a positive and inclusive environment for our members to play in.
For us the person behind the character or role they play is more important. We strive to include anyone in our activities.
We understand that life happens so we don’t make joining any activity mandatory. We apply a flexible approach and welcome any players who want a balance between gaming and real-life responsibilities.
Phoenix of the sun is a casual guild. We like to progress raid content ( normal / heroic) . with a focus on clearing HC. We are a social guild that raids, not a dedicated raiding guild. This means raiding is optional; we have no mandatory attendance, no ‘skill trials’ and so on. Anyone who wants to raid is welcome.
Occasional groups of mythic + are set up during the week as well.
Not a big fan of raiding or mythic + , but enjoy farming old content , getting achievements, … Phoenix of the sun can be the potential home for you. We encourage any type of gameplay.
As a social guild our overriding goal is to have fun, help each other out and just enjoy our time in Azeroth.
Most of us have reached a mature age. We have almost 20 years of history, friendships built, relationships formed and we do hold in real life meet ups.
We also have a discord so we can keep in touch outside of Azeroth.
Recruitment Needs:
- Any role
- Language: English
- Raid Schedule: Mondays and thursdays from 20:00 to 23:00.
If you like to join us and apply you can reach us in our discord : https://discord.gg/tRvrmm8Q
Or on our forum: https://www.phoenix-of-the-sun.eu
Hopefully see you soon!
Hello Shamansac,
Are you looking for a friendly and relaxed guild to call home? We’re on the hunt for fresh members to gear up and dive into Season 2!
Here’s what we’re all about:
- We raid Mondays, 20:30 - 23:00 server time.
- Our focus is Heroic raiding (with occasional Mythic progression when numbers allow).
- We love tackling content together, including Mythic+ dungeons and completing achievements like Glory of the Raider!
- Discord is where we chat, laugh, and keep the vibes positive.
What We’re Looking For:
- DPS to bolster our raidroster.
- Players who enjoy teamwork, progression, and some lighthearted banter.
- Flexibility is key—while we appreciate commitment to our raid night, we understand life happens.
- M+ addicts, we love them and we run them low key, higher keys and we are happy to help and teach!
- We still looking for some extra M+ tanks and healers for our M+ groups!
Whether you’re a seasoned player or new to raiding, if you’re looking for a group of like-minded adventurers to enjoy the game with, we’d love to have you!
Let’s conquer Azeroth together—message us for more info or an invite!
discord /invite/vRHVBEXWmz (best way to contact us)
guildsofwow /deleo-hostem)
Deleo Hostem
Hi Shaman, I think I might have exactly what you are looking for, my battletag is Venom462#2496 if you’d like to discuss :), I hope to hear from you soon 
Hello shamansac! <> are a new guild and are recruiting! We are looking for like minded people to push mythic+ in a safe and fun environment. We are a core group of friends looking for more people to join in our in game fun.
We are on forums to search for new friends to push the upcoming dungeons with, in the new season 2 of TWW. We are a fun bunch of friends who have a very laid back approach to the game. When it comes to it we are very focused on pushing keys/raiding.
Our main goal is to recruit current and new/returning players who want to get into end game content but need a group to play with and to not take too seriously. For now we are a very small group of friends that have just started up the guild again but hoping to expand for next season so we’re all able to learn the new season together as a group.
On the other hand, we are maybe interested in raiding depending on the numbers we can recruit as we all have a past history of raiding heroic.
If you’re wondering who to contact or have any questions about this upcoming guild then feel free to add me on battlenet or discord:
Battlenet: Hyperinferno#2280
Discord: .hyperinferno
Hey Man,
Welcome back - Add me on battlenet would love to chat 
Speak soon,