Returning player looking for guild

Hello everyone,

I’ve been playing on and off since Vanilla, and had a break doing the last two raid tiers in DF.
I have experience as a casual and hardcore player and am now looking to find a guild in between raiding 1-2 times a week trying to push as far as possible in current content every tier. I would appreciate raids beginning at 19.30-20.00 as I have kids which needs to be tucked in first.
I would prefer to play my retribution paladin, if this isn’t possible at all I could be persuaded to go holy for the time being.

I hope someone will be open to welcome me into a new home so we together can enjoy The War Within :slight_smile:


If you are still looking for a guild, then we maybe a good match for you. I represent the guild Jynx, and we are currently recruiting in preparation for TWW - you can find more information about us on our post > Jynx

You’ll also find contact information there as well :slight_smile: Have a grate day!