Returning player looking for guild

Hello everyone,

Me and my husband are looking for a guild to start playing with. I am playing a Mistweaver Monk. My husband is a Druid. Both ILVL at the moment are around 600.

I am looking for a guild with:

  • Active an Social guild in chat and in discord.
  • Doing dungeons,raids and m+
  • Transmorgh and mount Farmings

Thanks for taking the time to read! If you think I’d be a good fit for your guild please message me on here or leave your discord.

Hi! I think we might be a great fit for you. Our Discord information and my Btag are listed on our post, so please do give us a read and feel welcome to come have a chat if you think we’re a good fit!

Hi Alleria, we are currently looking for more players, check us out

Hi Alleria,

We’ve welcomed a few people in your exact position recently.

We pride ourselves on offering something for everyone, while being relaxed in our approach.

If we are of interest to you, please feel free to get in touch at your convenience.

:bow_and_arrow: Trident - Recruiting Now! - Recruitment / Guild Recruitment - World of Warcraft Forums

All the best

Hi there, Hope you’re well… If you’re still looking we would absolutely love it if you guys could check us out and let us know if we’re for you.

Hi there, if you’re still looking for a place to call home then we think you will fit right in with the marmots.

Please see our post below

Hi Álleria,

you both are more than welcome in the Adventurers Guild!

We love group content but don’t push people to gear or progress if it’s not what they want. Our PvE leaders are friendly and patient, and we collaborate with other communities to join raids biweekly. All with a chilled “learn together” attitude.

If interested, please contact me, i’m Kluggar#2379

Or check the guild in the in-game Guild Finder (The Adventurers Guild).

Safe travels!