Returning player looking for PVE Guild

I am a 29year old returning player looking for a pvp/pve guild.
Played for almost 10 years and was in a really good raiding guild.

I am looking for a 1D or 2D/week guild. As i have other activities like work and sport etc :)
For raids I have time on Sunday, Saturday or Wednesday. ( Ideally it would be Sunday/Wednesday or Saturday/Wednesday)
Also looking for some good Arena action.
So if you need a kick as-s Rogue give me a pm via blizz chat: Steelpanter#21328
>>The Crimson Tide<< newly formed raiding guild, 8/8NM 5/8HC, Looking to recruit active and dedicated members of all roles to fulfill the roster as we approach towards mythic. raiding days are WED/THURS/SUN. 20:00-23:00 server time. /w me for more info!
Hi Steelpanter

Apologies for not whispering you in BNet but am at work, "working hard" obviously...

Just thought I'd drop you a link to my guilds recruitment post:

We're a bunch of ex Mythic raiders who realised 2 nights a week isn't enough to raid mythic end game and that we'd rather relax and enjoy content with our community than blast past it and learn to hate boss fights.

We are in the midst of rebuilding a social AotC guild with the core Officers all actually working together IRL so the social aspect is king for us whilst also getting Curve on all tiers.

Let me know what you think and good luck with your search.