Returning player looking for PvP and M+ Guild


I’ve been an on and off wow player since TBC. I’ve ran a fair bit of OG PvE content such as the T4 raids back in the day and ICC normals in Wrath. Having “properly” returned in Legion for a bit I found myself really enjoying pushing keys and Mythic raids.

As of TWW I’d like to focus on pushing M+ keys and some casual RBGs. In PvE content I prefer to play Augvoker. In PvP I’m happy to fit into the group in any role but have taken a liking to Preservation.

I’m looking for a guild with experience in both types of content. I’d also be down to learning arena with any guildmates as well but I absolutely want to play M+ and RBGs.

My ign is Koryestrasz - Turalyon

I’d like some more PvP players for our guild, to hopefully get rbg up and running.
We have some members who enjoy PvP, but not enough for rbgs yet.
We have M+ groups running often and daily.