Returning player looking for raiding guild

Hey dude, are you looking to raid, or mainly Mythic?

Our guild are recruiting - We run mythics on Mondays, raid on Saturdays. (We do run mythics outside of that night, but use it as a big get together for vaults etc at start of the week) and will be doing an alt run mid week, I believe.

Tanking Mythics we’d have plenty of room, also likely for DPS. Raid wise we’re full tank wise, and would take healers or DPS, but likely no more Pallys or Ele Shammys.

I’ll link the ad below, any questions give me a shout. We’re all the same, have commitments hence two main nights a week, but I’d be lying if some people weren’t round the clock when new content drops so always someone on to join in something, haha.

No Longer The Lost - Recruiting for TWW for social and raiding! - Recruitment / Guild Recruitment - World of Warcraft Forums (