hello everyone, i took a long break after TBC classic so just returning and working my way through WOTLK. I’m on nethergarde keep and its’ empty so did some research and apparently this server was meant to have closed, yet i’m still on it? just wondering why blizz didn’t transfer my characters to mirage for example. do i need to do this myself manually? hopefully it will be free of charge? thanks for reading
Hey mate. Yes NGK was marked for closure. There were free transfers at one point but I do not know whether this is the case anymore. You can check it for youself because I have no alts on NGK to tell you. Go to the shop and see if there are any free transfers available. (the server was never actually closed down, so no forced transfers).
Also, we’re in the Cata expansion so do not expect to get WotlK raids done easily on Mirage.
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