Returning Raider LF Guild

Hello there.
I’m George. A returning player in 10.1.
I used to raid in the first tier of DF,but due to IRL and job i had to let it go.But now im stronger than ever.And im back.
My mythic XP started in Shadowlands,in castle Nathria,where me and my guildmates managed to do 8/10 Mythic,but disbanded due to bad organization.
In 10.0 i got AotC and a couple of mythic kills,but due to the nature of the work that i had back then i had to stop.Now since everything is settled up.I’m here to roll.
My main role is RDps,but i can perform in Melee too.
I’m a teamplayer,and as a long term player in general, LF a guild in order to progress,even this late in the tier,establish myself and focus for 10.2.
My main goal is acquiring CE,but not only that.I’m looking for a community afterall,in order to play,communicate and have fun.
The DPSes that im most comfortable with are:
Mage(all 3 specs),Shadow Priest,Retribution Paladin,Hunters.
If you are interested hit me up.
Bnet: Izio#21159
For more information,about logs,performance and classes feel free to contact me.

Hi mate, I can appreciate how irl events can cause breaks and welcome back.

I belong to a guild who are currently re-forming for 10.2. Our goal is mythic progression whilst having a close community.

Unfortunately can’t get on the game to message you until this evening due to kids… but feel free to message me on discord _garethr otherwise will try and add your later… to see if your interested.

If you are still looking give me a shout:

Hey there , you still on the lookout for new guild ?
I think were a good match, so if youre interested in knowing more. You can contact me on discord

Or check out our guild recruitment post