Returning resto shaman LF weekend raiding

Hi all! I have a question for you…would you accept a mid 40’s American chick coming back to the game after a year away? I play on both US and EU servers. I lean more towards EU because I have found the people are more helpful and friendly. Just want a break from the toxicity and elitism of the US at the moment. That being said, I have just renewed my sub and have no clue where to start. I would like to heroic raid for aotc and interested in m+. Due to timezones, I am looking for weekend raiding. Also, I am one that prefers to talk over type so you will find me in discord voice when I am online. The social aspect of the game is important to me and I need some activity in the discord voice channel in and out of groups/raids. If you feel your guild is a good fit please reach out to me by responding with your discord info.

Thank you and I look forward to your responses!

Still looking if you know a guild that might be a good fit! :slight_smile: