Returning SoD player from phase 3 - Saddened by state of the game

I didn’t play SoD in quite a while (quit along with everyone else during the disaster that was nightmare incursions). But with all the new level 60 content I had the itch to try the game again since I massively prefer the experimentation of SoD over vanilla.

However I can’t escape the feeling of massive disappointment.

  1. The game feels dead. Well my original realm is dead so I did the free character swap to Wild Growth, and for a realm with supposedly 5-figure active players I’ve never played on a realm this dead before. It’s very difficult to get a group for anything. Checking the group finder and the LFGBB addon shows that there aren’t even enough people to put a single raid together. Am I missing something here? Is everyone just playing in guilds?

Game desperately needs a proper LFG Dungeon/Raid finder.

  1. The catch-up system is a complete mess. I’ve been back for 3 days and I still have no idea how any of it works. I just have a bunch of different currency items that aren’t explained to me anywhere, and the internet isn’t much help because apparently no one is making SoD content. And I have thousands of hours in WoW. What are players completely new to WoW supposed to think?
    Put a button on the screen players can press that tells them exactly what’s new in the current phase, where relevant vendors are, and how to catch up. Stop expecting players to read wowhead to figure out what they are supposed to do.

  2. The content is meant to be seasonal but you force players to spend days (more realistically weeks) doing the untarnished real grind just to do current season content. The end result of this is that the only people playing are people who were always playing and you have dead servers. Why? Cut the real prices on T1 gear in half.

You have a massive problem in SoD with some classes being solo gods and other classes being dependent on a group to do anything. Gatekeeping catch-up behind group content magnifies this disparity in capability. It’s horribly dated design, especially on dead servers. Make it viable for players to solo farm the T1 they need either by making reals drop in open world content or making the 5man dungeons scale with player numbers. If you’re going to do the whole “season” thing then you should be streamlining players into Naxx/Kara content.

I am pissed off about this because I want to play SoD. I love the itemisation changes. Hey maybe take the dev behind your itemisation, and promote him to lead game design for SoD instead of the current window licker.

I know there will be sweats who like the terrible vanilla wow design of endless grinding, parasocial networking (I have actual friends, I don’t pay a sub to make internet friends) and intentional time-wasting of players, but there is classic classic for those players. Ditch that Everquest nonsense for SoD pls.


I started fresh on WG like 6 weeks back, Find a good guild and all your problems go away amigo, having a blast.

yea you are late to the scene, most people are leveled, so you arent going to find many leveling groups, that being said, you can level very solo with incursions etc

Wow classic is not solo game. But yes maybe putting it as limited amount to some big quest chains (as they did in wotlk), could be a good idea.

It’s already lower price then was t0, and also we have more ways to get reals now, end dungeon bosses drop 3 reals (was 1), also you can get significant amount of reals for doing old raids, and from karazhan bags. So its not hard to grind enough reals for t1 set. In vanilla, there wasn’t any catch-up mechanics at all, and you had to do all old raids to gear up for last content, and probably not for 1 lockout because of big competiton for items, in sod, blizzard added t1/t2 sets to vendor so you can get it uncontested and pretty fast, so what’s you complaining about?

Just because the game is “not solo” it does not mean that literally every good gear piece should be locked behind group content. There should be a fair share of good gear obtainable purely solo.

To be fair I went back to SoD for the new Karazhan dungeon only, that is actually kinda awesome, and a few new itemisation.

Scourge invasion ? Already done and re-done, boring

Naxxramas ? Already cleared multiple times in Classic, where my “Might of Menethil”
thirst has already been satisfied

Naxxramas HM and stuff ? Artificial content, boring, too much hassle and potential nest of toxic players, won’t even bother trying, nope

I understand your reasons, but this always been a hard limit to me, so it’s a “no”

just go play retail at this point

At this point you’re not even trying. If you were a completely new player I could understand but when has WoW been newcomer friendly ? You’ve always had to look at websites/youtube to get a grasp on mechanics/quests etc.

If you still don’t know how to open wowhead after thousands of hours…

As the the tarnished reals grind you gotta to be joking.
Mc coin rush is less than an hour. Strat/scholo can be both done in a hour. ZG has virtually no prerequisite since most people go there for idoles and it’s very quick too.
It’s already 60+ coins right there. You can get full T1 in a couple of days if you add BRD/DFC/UBRS runs.

I’ve been leveling a few alts these past few weeks and it’s been real easy to get them geared enough to sneak into a BWL/AQ10. Then you might need a few IDs depending on your luck to get decent weap/trinket/rings but you’re not a far ry from Kara Crypts.

As it’s been said above, if you find yourself a guild the process gets much smoother.

Yes it does. What’s the point in being able to get your BiS items without needing to step into the end game content ?
We already have T1 and half T2 available by running dungeons it’s big.

I half agree with you, blizzards lack of documentation and the scarcity of Undermine Reals serves no purpose, you need T1/2 equivalent to get into “coin runs” or Karazhan pugs.

They should triple the amount of coins dungeons give or/and make them randomly drop from any mob anywhere because why not at this point. But a hard no for dungeon finder.

I don’t want to make the game soloable but SoD is a mess of systems on top of systems that made sense at the time, it sucks and is a fair bit confusing if you weren’t there for the changes and should be definitely streamlined.

We don’t have to pretend that it’s good, the only thing that matters is Kara and Naxx by now with a few extras tinkled here and there.

So you basically want to get all the things, without putting in any effort.

You don’t want to engage with people, yet complain about the server being dead.

Sounds like you booted up the wrong version of WoW. You want Retail, not any of the classic versions.

You calling this “dead” like what? what are you even on about.

That’s how many people we had around the event crystal a while back.

Very few people care about any thing beyond raiding, so for strat or other dungeons it might be hard to find people, since noone care to run content like that.

But you need to check stuff like, how many are in the Auction house or around Stormwind

How much things are on the auction house or just “who paladin naxxramas” on wednesday at like 8 in the evening.

Don’t judge a servers population on participation in low content

Thats was when it launched… And now everyone is gone…

Because everyone is done with the content.

Do you want people to just sit around for no reason?

The server is not dead or low pop, People just don’t do the content that they don’t need to do.

Game isn’t dead…come to living flame…the only bad thing about sod is paladins…and the little virgins who get diddled by daddy every night who play them, but game is fine

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In that case, you can go play retail. There you get showered with loot non-stop and you can solo all the content without ever having to directly interact with anyone by using the LFG system.

Thousands of hours in WoW but never heard of Wowhead. Also, you claim to have played that many hours but at the end of your post you criticize ‘time-wasting activities’ of players. I guess you found a way to spend those thousand of hours in productive way that enriched your life then.

Simply reeks like yet another instant gratification Andy that wants the game to be adjusted according their needs and desires.