Hallo i recently came back to game after long time used to play during MOP/WOD.Im looking for a friendly guild that i can do raids and progress through endgame contect.Im open to make and level any class needed as long as there is patient waiting me reaching max level.Horde would be ideal side but im open to alliance side too.Thanks for your time
We are an alliance friendly raiding guild. If you are interested in us, check our website. The application must go through the forum which you can reach by the website: www.cojwow.com
Hey Moyrlos! If you’d be up for rerolling on Magtheridon server (horde side) then we have a friendly guild that raid 2 nights a week, do M+ dungeons, run social events and generally have a laugh together
If that sounds good to you, feel free to hit me up on Discord (xxx) or on battlenet (xxx) for a chat!
http:// www. dambusters. eu/ (without space)
Alliance side, friendly guild and with good progress! They are also really laid back
Contact Mookoo or Shethehunter or Harxiee to get a better idea for the guild!
edit forgot to add: server Grim-Batol
Hope to see you soon!
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