Hi. Recently returned to the game for the sweet T2 gear and I am thinking of returning to AD for RP. I have not RPed since around mid Shadowlands, and heard many things about AD since then. So I got few questions.
Firstly. How is the RP scene? Good, bad, struggling, Is it possible to RP without guild? How are the factions? When I stopped RPing, it felt like horde is on its last legs.
Where does one find guild? I flew around SW and saw bunch of elves but not really any guild with standard and recruiting. Is guild hunting delegated to Forum or that page I am blanking on right now?
Are there any concepts/char types you would like to see more of? I got a few ideas floating around in my head but am open to suggestions and ideas for now.
Very much so!
Just try out different communities and type of roleplay, jump in on events from AA, or word by mouth.
How are the factions?
You can find the lovely Horde, here in Horde AD: https://discord.gg/4jPh2Hhj
I dare say both factions are very much alive and kicking.
Horde may lean more into neutral than what Alliance have to, at the moment.
Some of Argentdawn RP servers hold a tab regarding guilds and such! One server i know of that has it is the Dracthyr Conclave discord!
There’s also the guild research tab. It may not be the best, but it can still be handy! If you are looking for a guild, i can point you to the Black Wardens! ^^
Horde is certainly less lively outside of guilds and events, but in those it shines. Alliance community though takes the cake for Stormwind being the most lively capital city.
It is! You can devout yourself to casual RP or community events and still have a blast!
I think you should stick to the concepts you have in mind yourself! Making a character that feels truly your own is always a great boon to RP! Makes it far more enjoyable!
I’m going to necro this instead of making a new thread.
Where does the Horde gather for RP? Before it was the valley of Honour then it was Razor hill then last i heard it was Crossroads in Nothern Barrens. So outside of guilds and such where does the Horde RP?
Something that usually seems foreign to folks first coming to Horde Roleplay is this:
Guild roleplay and walk-up roleplay aren’t as exclusive from one another as it seems to be believed. Horde does walk up roleplay, usually around towns where guilds hang out while they aren’t doing a campaign away from ‘homebase’, and you won’t be ignored for showing up to said places and simply roleplaying with folks from inside that guild.
To put an example with Forsaken roleplay, since I am in a guild that does it, you would find roleplay in zones such as Hillsbrad and Silverpine as long as the guilds that roleplay in it aren’t out on a campaign elsewhere. This applies to most Horde guilds out there.
Chances are that you will get walk up roleplay quite easily, unless you’re doing something like showing up on a villain trying to solo an entire guild and the canon settlement they’re in at 11 PM, in which case, folks will likely pass - and rightfully so.
Beyond that, public events, Valley of Honor, Silvermoon, social nights in Horde settlements that are announced both in Argent Archives and a Horde Discord that’s been set up for walk up roleplay; and neutral hubs, such as the Violet Vanguard and many others.
To add on to Speedwagone’s post there is also more RP that can be found in Silvermoon City as there are a lot more active guilds and groups around that area now.
Though yes the Valley of Honor does see RP quite often and there’s other guilds (mine included) working on helping keep people around it when we’re not eventing and campaigning.
Join the Horde AD Discord as well! I don’t know if I can link but here goes;
I definitely have the worst timing. Does anyone know if there is a discord server for the A³ community? I think thats’ where most of the people i used to rp with went.