Hi Guys, I just come back to SOD and need an advice. I have a same game play for warrior and pally; main spec dps and off spec tank to get in dungeons faster. I want find a guild and play endgame pve and maybe a little bit of BGs, which one of them do you recommend in terms of finding guild/old raids pugs and premades?
Paladins are stronger (probably one of the strongest PVE classes right now), but warrior is fun.
PVP wise? Still Paladin, but ranged classes dominate PVP so you’ll just end up frustrated regardless.
Kinda hard to say now since P7 is just around the corner.
It terms of PvE, unless you plan on joining a top parsing guild and aim to be the number 1 DPS it doesn’t really matter. At the moment you have more option as a ret paladin (exodin/seal stacking/seal twisting) than warrior that I believe has to spec fury (I’m not playing warrior so I might be wrong but arms seems useless in PvE) in order to do damage.
I think palatanks were performing a tad better than war but to be confirmed and who knows how it’s gonna unfold for this phase. Both are viable anyway.
As to PvP, melees suffer in the current meta. Both paladin and warrior are really gear dependant so your ranking will be hell. I’d say paladin is smoother since you can still heal/dispell/bubble your teammates whereas as a war you’ll just fold trying to get into melee range.
Basically warrior has a straight road both for PvE and PvP whereas with paladin you have a lot of choices. You can try shockadin or ret in pvp and play with the tier sets to find your own style. Especially with the new enchant shoulders allowing you to add an extra set bonus.
That being said, paladin is the most played class and finding a spot as a dps can be somewhat tricky.
Only Pick warrior if you like to play alt to farm on, the opstions to get Gold as warrior is really limite.
Paladins is great to do all jobs.
I have both. But main warrior (Tank) if i were to go back in time Druid and paladin will for sure be my main picks.
I farmed 17k on my warrior.
Skill issue.
I tend to be able to escape from warriors but paladins tend to one shot me.
100% play every other class than warrior, if you like to be a good DPS and be useful for your guild. Literally EVERY other class deals more dps than warri, most even with multiple specs. Look at warcraftlogs, click on statistics and look for yourself. If you dont got a pockethealer, are fully buffed, use every consume possible, you will never reach the 99th percentile.
If you trust the sims for the BIS gear for Phase 7, warrior will even be worse. Arms is so bad, that it isnt listed anymore on the DPS Charts, because it nearly heals the bosses.
Ofc you Can farm gold, othere classes Can just do it faster. Like a lot faster.
17k Really not very impressive over two years.
Two weeks.
Look I get it, warrior isn’t the best class right now. But you morons are just making up new ways to sound oppressed, you’re basically feminists.