Returning to WoW

Hi everyone! I’m returning to WoW after being away for a long 7 years. The game has changed since then and i’m wanting to know which is a good class to focus on.i used to play fury warrior which I loved. What class would you guys recommend? I’ll be mainly into PVP. What classes are strong/fun to play at the moment? Any help is appreciated thanks!

Welcome back.

This site is based purely off stats from the game, it reflects what people are playing/doing:-

You can break it down further into SS/2v2/2v3/RBGs


Welcome back!

Puny has given a great resource.

If you loved Fury then, I don’t see why you wouldn’t love it now. Maybe Havoc Demon Hunter, and Rogue, and the new/replaced melee version of Survival Hunter might also be possible if you do want a change.

My best suggestion is to check out YouTube and Twitch for recent gameplay.

Just to jog your memory, here are a few more links for items, quests, guides for basic class builds for addons. I can’t remember when WeakAuras came in, but it might be since your time. is the site where people distribute their WeakAuras


Thank you so much for the reply. I will check out those sites. Is there still a need for many addons? I heard wow built alot of features into the game? Correct me if i’m wrong

You decide for yourself about addons, I guess.

Lotsa people use them, though.

Here’s the PvP section ifyou want to see the numbers of downloads

and I guess you will see what people are using when you look at video.

BTW, I also meant to suggest you look up some Class Discords, to see what people who play that class are saying, and maybe ask any specific questions. The list of class discords is down a bit on this page:

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Thank you ill be sure to check this out! You have been so helpful <3

I do fancy a change and was maybe thinking rogue so ill do my research!

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