Returning ex-hardcore raiding looking for a CE guild for Shadowlands. Coming back from on and off breaks due to RL circumstances. Expierence raiding at a high level including top 500 world and server first.
I’ve played wow since vanilla and cleared most of the raid content.
I main a priest healer called Jaydee currently on draenor eu, can play both specs well but prefer holy
Going for CE every tier.
No more than 3 days a week raiding.
Respects real life commitments come first.
Raids after 20:30 server prefer on weekdays.
Regular M+ runs
Social, respectful and mature guild filled with people from UK.
What I can give: -
Dedicated and hardworking raider.
Loyal and inclusive guild member.
Patient player who dont mind wiping aslong as people learn.
High attendance rate and advance notice if a raid cannot be made due to RL events.
Discord: Jaydee#2908
Battlenet: Jaydee#2274