Hi guys
I’m from the uk and have mic 
I am returning to wow after a 2 year break for family reasons. The people I used to play with have all dispersed to different servers or games. I am looking to start a new character on a server (any server) with the view of eventually raiding:) I have also purchased BFA so I do have the 110 coin so might be tempted to use this also. I used to play warrior tank so that would ideally be my desired role but I’m also willing to be a dps
Hit me up if you want to have a further chat 
Battlenet Panicjm#2140
Discord Panicjm#9175
I’ve added you on discord (pending acceptance)
I’ll add a link to our guild discord below
This will be active for 24 hours (as at 12:53pm GMT)
so catch me on that server or accept my friend request 
In terms of our guild,
We are Alliance on the kilrogg/runetotem/nagrand server group.
and have a variety players (mostly raiders) but we all pull together and help out for other content aswell.
Look forward to speaking further.
Hey there 
I am wondering if our guild would suit you:
HI Zalarian,
Remnants of Valhalla on Dragonmaw, hordeside, we are currently looking for a new friendly face for our raiding group. preferably a 2nd Tank, that aim to be active in the upcoming raid and further.
We aim to clear HC and usually do, until we venture into Mythic raiding, if the team is up for it and set and ready
We consist of a group of players that have been playing together from Vanilla and on, “collecting” new friends along the way
In addition we know the enviroment of family life, so we strive to have IRL > WOW, while we still maintain the courtesy of having a 2 day raid schedule fully focused
Wednesdays and Sundays from 20.00 - 23.00 servertime.
I know you need to catch up if you decide to venture into BFA with our group and we would welcome you and do what we can to help you get ready.
i hope to have a chat with you and took the liberty to add you on bnet.