Greetings everyone,
Like the title says im searching for a suitable guild that wants to take me in. I have always been in semi/hardcore guilds. Even got some top 100 kills back in the day.
Now im trying to find a guild that is already raiding and does active M+ on the side. I’m mainly looking for a guild that i can have fun with.
I know im asking a lot because i litteraly have nothing to offer at the moment but if you can give me time i will repay the favor.
Like the title says i can play everything. I’m a flexibel player and always had the mindset guild goes before the player. This doesnt mean i dont help fellow guildies. If i can i will help everybody.
I hope to hear from you all. If you need more information about me. You can contact me on discord (Ares2977)
Hi there Arès,
It sounds like we might be the guild you’re looking for 
Soul Crusaders (Turalyon/Doomhammer) (since '07) is looking for new additions to our raid and m+ teams. We’re all about taking it slowly but surely with respect to everyone’s capabilities. Our goal is to reach AOTC if possible.
We have 2 raid evenings (each 1.5h) on Sunday and Tuesday starting at 21:30 server time. So we respect private time and don’t make it a huge chunk of time to be reserved! Of course being on time and prepared is mandatory to ensure a fun and rewarding evening for everyone!
We also run M+ nights with different key levels in mind (Wed = learning and gearing, Thurs = gearing and consolidating, Fri = working towards KSM and beyond) - this does change through the season, as we all progress.
Sounds interesting? Feel free to contact:
btag: sheira#1910
dc: lakshmii#0552 (Or just lakshmii now)
Or feel free to jump straight into an application at
Ty for all the ppl that reached out. Im sorted and found a solid guild i can hopefully work with!
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