Returning WoW Veteran [Holy Pally/Blood DK] LF Mythic Raiding Guild (native EN/GER)


First off: I haven’t played retail in years. I was very active from Vanilla up to Nax in Wrath with a short visit during the beginning of Legion (the boys got back together…) when we progress raided the first content (Xavius). I progress-raided from TBC to ICC.

In Wrath I was the first DK MT when def rating was still a thing. I remember playing an ungodly long quest chain that rewarded me with a green 2hand with def rating, so with Icy Touch (the sigil back in the day gave 53 def rating after using Icy Touch) I reached the crit immunity threshold and was able to main tank Nax as one of the first tanks in Europe.

During the different expansions and the countless raiding nights, wiping a whole night on a progression-boss is something I can work with. I am disciplined in voice chat and motivate the team when things don’t fall into place right away.

In MoP I was 2 points short off becoming R1 Gladiator (3072…, thanks Merily for your disconnect during our very last game of the season right before Qs ended :zipper_mouth_face:)


I have always been a night owl; and with 2 kids, having to plan your life around a raid start at the kid’s bedtime is nothing I want to struggle with. Having a late raid start provides me with the opportunity to enjoy raiding while the rest of the house is fast asleep. Anything upwards 21.00 Server Time is acceptable for me.

What do I bring to the table?

I am an open-minded, structured player who reads guides and theory-crafts. I am equipped with a team-oriented mindset. I’ve played this game for almost 20 years and still enjoy it. I am willing to contribute by playing whatever is needed for the roster. That includes levelling an alt. Currently I have a Holy Pally, Blood DK, and Destro WL on max level. I work in Esports/Gaming and lead teams of 120+ people in various management positions. I am a modern, servant leader who does not shy away from being lead and following orders. I provide fair, constructive criticism and can receive, process, and appreciate it in the same way.

What do I expect from you?

I expect a fully motivated, non-toxic group of individuals who strive to be their best ingame version and to demand the same attitude from the people around them. While fun is a very important characteristic of a well-functioning group, focus and commitment should be second to none. Be fair in your criticism and treat your team as humans. The rest will fall into place easily.

Should I be a good fit for your team, please don’t hesitate to either reply here or add me ingame via Fate#2175

Looking forward to reading from you :slight_smile: