Very simple thread, what are the reunions (between living and dead character obviously) that still haven’t happened in Shadowlands, but you think still have a chance of happening in the future?
I’ll start:
- Jaina and Daelin: The main reunion, the reunion I still crave for, they have never been reunited after WC3 (I don’t think Jaina actually met her father’s ghost on the boat, it might have just been a fragment of her imagination). I want to know what Jaina would tell Daelin in light of Theramore and Teldrassil, and how Daelin would react to Jaina after she indirectly caused his death.
When do I think this reunion will happen? When Jaina starts doing something other than standing around the table at Oribos all day long. She’s so nerfed in this expansion compared to her magnificent performance in BfA.
- Anduin and Varian: Another important reunion, for obvious reasons. While you might say that Varian is erased from existence because his soul was consumed by Fel (which is canonically known to erase souls entirely), please remember that Blizzard has no problem retconning things to make cool cinematics.
When do I think this reunion will happen? In 9.1. I think Varian will have an important role in freeing Anduin from the Jailer’s control, and Blizzard also said that we would meet other interesting souls of the past in the Maw raid… I don’t know why Varian would be in the Maw (as the machine was still functioning when he died), but I’m sure Blizzard can come up with something (maybe they can retcon how Fel works, it doesn’t erase souls but simply sends them to the Maw by default…).
So? Are there any reunions that you think are likely to happen in future content patches of Shadowlands?