Reunions we still haven't gotten but might come in the future

Very simple thread, what are the reunions (between living and dead character obviously) that still haven’t happened in Shadowlands, but you think still have a chance of happening in the future?

I’ll start:

  • Jaina and Daelin: The main reunion, the reunion I still crave for, they have never been reunited after WC3 (I don’t think Jaina actually met her father’s ghost on the boat, it might have just been a fragment of her imagination). I want to know what Jaina would tell Daelin in light of Theramore and Teldrassil, and how Daelin would react to Jaina after she indirectly caused his death.

When do I think this reunion will happen? When Jaina starts doing something other than standing around the table at Oribos all day long. She’s so nerfed in this expansion compared to her magnificent performance in BfA.

  • Anduin and Varian: Another important reunion, for obvious reasons. While you might say that Varian is erased from existence because his soul was consumed by Fel (which is canonically known to erase souls entirely), please remember that Blizzard has no problem retconning things to make cool cinematics.

When do I think this reunion will happen? In 9.1. I think Varian will have an important role in freeing Anduin from the Jailer’s control, and Blizzard also said that we would meet other interesting souls of the past in the Maw raid… I don’t know why Varian would be in the Maw (as the machine was still functioning when he died), but I’m sure Blizzard can come up with something (maybe they can retcon how Fel works, it doesn’t erase souls but simply sends them to the Maw by default…).

So? Are there any reunions that you think are likely to happen in future content patches of Shadowlands?

I think it’s rather clear that things that seemingly should’ve been there, won’t be, because the devs want to go in a different direction. It looks as odd and it could, but we never got this “maybe there was something in Daelin’s thought process” moment.

Or, players did, but the characters magically were swept past it by placing the burden of conflict between Jaina and kul tirans in general, just on Priscilla. And with removal of Ashvane everything wonderfully resolved, because reasons.

Depends on the definition of “reunion”. Thrall might very well encounter Garrosh. There might be quite a few questions from Garrosh about where exactrly Thrall’s actions (or lack of them at certain times) led the horde. But if Thrall is a dev favourite, he would still be called unquestionably correct.

Jaina might meet Kael’thas. I do not know the details of their story, but there could be a few exchanges about different topics.

Speaking of Kael’thas, Tyrande at one point risked her life to save his followers, so that is a potential source of interesting interactions. Kael still has a kingdom to avenge, so they might team up for amazing team action sequences. (Team A, so to say. Would she be then… Mrs T.? :thinking:)

Mrs T and Ysera could exchange some thoughts about the events that happened. They were somewhat close (I mean, they were, but I have that lingering suspicion that the whole “aspects protecting creation of the Pantheon” existing since before Cata might play not so nice role in the future).

Since Calia is still seemingly got no news about her family while being on the horde territory, there is still a possibility of her either meeting husband or daughter. Or even get some info about them from another relative, whoever that might end up being.

Trall / Draka encounter is possible. Durotan less so, but maybe. He was mentioned in a couple of interviews but just as “maybe but not likely” appearance.

Anduin could encounter Tiffin, but I think that there is too much of Anduin overall, so, won’t go in details over the possible details.

Shandris maybe somehow encountering her original parents for a bit of closure on her story, or even some peculiar revelations.

Ebon blade members encountering former horsemen and death knights could be an interesting turn of events.

Trall / Tareta could be a rather emotional meeting, and one of things that could affect Thrall a lot. IMO this story meant a lot for him, and it’s the character that once again can push Thrall’s character development.

List can go even further, but I guess it’s long as is. The honourable mentions (and a cheat, since that would not be reunions by any means):

There is still an old cliffhanger related to the “Vision of Forlorn” prophecy, about Bolvar encountering a naaru and re-gaining his ability to weild the Light magic. So, Bolvar x Z’rali is plausible.

I really hope we’ll get a chance to find out from Vashj where did she left the heart of Aszune. As this is one of characters with potential for some rather interesting revelations about the days of Kaldorei Empire.

gl hf


“retcons good but only character I like” is why WoW writing is so god damn dull.


You should be happy about the small things :wink: At least she is standing. Thrall and Baine seem to be so traumatized by their Torghast experience that they can’t even get up any more.
Jaina is not “nerfed”, she just doesn’t have a main role in Shadowlands. Her storyline was pretty much concluded in bfa. I don’t think a reunion with her father would bring anything new at this point.

That is something I would actually like to see and find more interesting than a reunion with Varian, if only because all I know about Tiffin is that she was a nice lady that got killed by a rock.

Thrall and Draka is certainly going to happen sooner or later, Thrall and Garrosh could also be interesting.

Other than that, maybe Sylvanas and Lirath? Baine and Cairne? Also Saurfang and Dranosh.

I would add Genn and Liam, but Genn isn’t even there, so rather unlikely. Same with Talanji and Rastakhan but they kind of had their reunion already in Shadows Rising.

Another thing I would like to see is Vol’jin meeting with his father after his ascension. His “For the Darkspear- and all the tribes” indicates that the prophecy about him reuiniting the troll tribes is something Blizzard has not forgotten about, and of course I can’t wait to learn more about that.

Edit: And of course Arthas and Uther.

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Who asked though. Answer the question.

Damn this section really has become a corpse huh, is Shadowlands story not interesting enough to keep people speculating?

Tyrande, Illidan and Malfurion, but it seems like Blizzard tried really hard to avoid that


Ironic, do you not realise it by now when most of the prominent characters are Jaina and Anduin?
Like take a hint sometime :wink:


Who even are you, leave me alone.

I try my best to remain somewhat hopeful and optimistic, focus on the little positive things that I still enjoy in the game and ignore all the bad ones. Blizzard is making it increasingly harder so I don’t blame everyone who has instant cynical reactions towards anything future wow lore related…

That being said, here are my thoughts on your OP question.

Kael’thas and Lady Vashj: Surely these two got to meet up and have a long old chat about what happened with their ambitions whilst following Illidan. With the whole “covenants are united to strike together at Jailer’s armies” theme, this just has to happen.

Notable high/blood elves with Kael’thas: Minus Sylvanas, none of them have actually crossed the veil, but maybe after hearing of Kael’thas they’ll want to meet him and argue/update him about the fate of the Elves and Silvermoon, or something like that. Thinking of Lor’themar and that one Windrunner sister that is still an actual uncorrupted elf.

I’d like to see Garrosh somewhere though I’m yet to think of an effective use of his character.

If this ever happens it would be in a 9.2 or 9.3 I’d imagine. I doubt that in 9.1 we’ll free all the souls that got wrongly sent into the Maw (he did die after the “Machinery of Death broke” after all)

When it comes to Varian, I’d much rather they just leave him alone, he’s had his epic moment, it was received well, it’s a finished story, let’s just let it be. If the Fel completely annihilated his soul, then it makes his sacrifice even more epic/tragic. Let’s not ruin that. That being said, the “Anduin father figure” role could very well be filled up by Uther. He could have an interesting redemption arch along the lines of he failed his first prised student, he won’t let this happen again to anyone.

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they sound like plauseble ones tho i only hope that they stick em to factions sides. As a mainly horde player i have no interest in in a varian/anduin meet up as my toon is glad king chin is dead and would not mind putting the other in the ground either.

Tho fun meetups would be kelthuzad and kael’thas both are confirmed in the shadowlands and dint kelthuzad get dragged over to revenreth ? Atleast at the the end of the maldraxxus campaign.

also they hinted that mograine would have a long talk with his son but that was stuffed into the fridge for now.

He got yoinked into the Maw not Revendreth, and before that he got a short confrontation with Kael’thas.

I’d also like to see Thrall/Garrosh, Draka/Durotan (and Thrall), Dranosh/Varok Saurfang and maybe (if that’s even possible with the whole timey wimey wibbly wobbly stuff) Brox and Varok Saurfang.

Yeah, i’m mostly interested in Orc Stuff… Fight me!

Zug zug!

Broxingar… Forgot about him! For a while I wasn’t even sure if he was a canon character, but I guess Saurfang being all “brother of Broxingar” makes that clear. I’d love to see him somewhere somehow, though not sure what will be the best way to re-introduce him in a way that won’t make the average person go “ooook so who’s this anonymous orc number 3592 and why should I care?”. Still don’t understand why his weapon wasn’t the arms warrior Legion artefact!

There’s even a shrine on Argus for the great Warrior who came from the sky and managed to hurt Sargeras himself with his Axe.

Long after the emerald flame took our home, the Legion took to open a gate to a new world. Never had they lusted for any conquest as much as this lush, primitive land.

Just as their armies set forth, a green-skinned warrior stepped through the gate. He wielded a single blade – and roared a single cry for battle.

Mountains of flesh and bone grew as he carved through the demons’ ranks. His defiance drew the attention of the Dark One – who came to see his end.

The warrior struck but one blow before he fell, but it was never forgotten.

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If we are to have reuinons, I would prefer it if they put them into short stories and novels, where they can have some relevance to the characters without me standing awkwardly next to them, and where they can actually have some dialogue and not just 4 sentences each. And where I can also skip them.
…Okay, mostly because I could skip them. I really don’t care about any of these possible meetings.

It’s an expansion about going to the afterlife and you don’t care about reunions between living and dead people?

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Indeed. As far as I still care about any of it, I care about the world itself and the adventures my character takes an active part in, not the newest gossip about Anduin’s daddy issues. In WoW I’d much rather see a discussion about Stormwind’s government system by two nobodies than I would like to see an emotional reunion of father and son, living or dead. I am not invested in those characters.

But apart from that my main point was that short stories and novels are just a far superior medium, if you care about that sort of stuff. One minute of ingame dialogue won’t pack the same emotional weight as a few pages of a decently written story. That it won’t bother anyone who doesn’t care is just a very happy accident.


Pretty much.

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