Revamp the crest upgrade system again

Farming only level 2 once the cap is removed is not an interesting way to acquire items. This was the Valor in a nutshell

Applies to all content, not just m+, meaning everyone can do what they normally do for gradual deterministic ilvl progression.

Aims to keep players farming content relevant to them as the path of least resistance, instead of people just running low keys for currency and fully upgrading what they find once they get enough score (Which is a one time thing).

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If they want to keep the current system , the problem of the OP can be resolved , by introducing a vendor to “destroy” or “de upgrade” a piece of gear and return your crests /stones / whatever . This way if you get 100% of what you put in , you can safely upgrade whatever you want the moment you get it .


Can the current system be simplified? Yes it can. I hate how crests are mixing with each other. 1/4 is one type & 5/8 is another. Can’t it be 1/8 from the same crest. Each track to be 1/8 of the same crest for that specific track. You will still farm 4 different crests for each track.

It actually can’t because crests are upgrading the slot not the item. If you, for example, upgraded a 1/8 drake item to 8/8, it’d be well into the ilvl bracket of wyrm. So does the next X/8 wyrm item you get for that slot now cost less wyrms to max out, despite you only spending drakes previously?

Unless you want to make each crest bracket it’s own isolated ilvl bracket, which would cause ludicrous ilvl inflation.

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