Here is my idea for a revamp of the story in previous expansions that will allow players to experience the overall story of an expansion.
Firstly, it starts with an addition to Chromie Time or the Adventure Guide. From there you choose which expansion’s story you want to start.
This will start a campaign for that expansion which will cover the plot of the expansion as well as the patches that came afterwards, ending with the pre-patch for the next expansion.
The current version of Chromie Time still exists for players that wish to level through the leveling zones or dungeon grinding.
Rewards can include:
the full levelling transmog sets from that expansion that you may have gotten from doing all the quests in the area before.
relevant experience so that you reach max level through a full campaign
Important, this should not be limited to new and levelling characters. It should be a feature you can access at max level if you want to play through those stories in your own time on your main character.
Two notes that are overall issues that already exist:
- I wouldn’t want people to feel that they have to regrind the story to get the transmog on a different armour type, so it would be nice if it added all armour types for the set to your collection.
- It would be great if the raids could be done in a party of 5 or even a group of NPC’s for the story to continue naturally, and because the raids are usually where the story is resolved. This would help with not breaking immersion. The raid could be split in two and queued for as a normal dungeon even.
What do you guys think? Is it just a bad idea?