Is anyone else missing the Reven vanity pet in Cataclysm Classic? There is a thread regarding this on the US forums, but I am not allowed to reply there. On my wife’s account she bought the Reven pack and had the pet available in both Cata Classic and retail, it shows up in retail still, but not in Cata. There isn’t even an uncollected entry for it. The customer support agents are not being helpful at all and are insistent she has it.
Same issue here, the reven pet is missing since the dragonsoul update.
I had the same problem, I wanted to show it to my friends and it’s nowhere to be found, but I was using it regularly and had it in my favourites…
Got the same, had Reven until Dragon Soul patch was released.
Same it seems after DS realease
Same issue here, the reven pet is missing
Can confirm the same issue, really sad about it since it’s so cute
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Same here, Support says to report it ingame since raising a ticket they can’t do anything apart from check its on your account