Revert m+ changes. STOP being stubborn

What are these latest dungeon tunings? Tunings for ants?

Do the following to save the season please. Stop being stubborn to satisfy your developer ego. We dont care about it , we dont appreciate it, we dont spend money for that anymore nor are we willing to suffer it .

  • revert tank nerfs to mitigation. This is extremely important.
  • revert cc changes, this together with the tank nerfs is the huge reason that civilians and sweatlords alike despise m+ . Encourage us to pull big also by removing asinine casts
  • Remove challengers peril. This is universally despised and core frustration for everyone. This has single handedly capped the toxicity meter. Only you and some delusional people are willing to talk about it being good
  • remove xalataths guile altogether from 12 and onwards. This will max push wf keys 1 level but guess what. Noone cares. It will make the jump from 11-12 more accessible and the season will revitalise

These set of changes will singlehandedly revitalise this sorry season from the grave , literally the worst m+ season to known human history.

Then proceed to make an open discussion about gearing compared to DF and crest economy and devote time in individual class forums/discords to make an open end discussion that you will take into deep consideration and will become the centrepiece of your talks into your HQ about class design and balance and how each class/spec feels.
Points to address into these discussions:

  • crest economy : it feels terrible to have so many levels of mythic track item upgrades.

  • heroic vs mythic loot ilvl disparity ( in DF most people were happy with heroic being closer to mythic and everyone did happily upgrade their heroic gear because it was viable )

  • non deterministic nature of Great Vault and how it affects mains and alts alike

  • class imbalance and how does the meta affect the lower end( it does give a terrible experience to the casuals mostly, the sweatlords dont care they will just reroll and grind it out like usual while making youtube videos for monetizing their grind and fotmness)

  • sad state of half the hero trees which is supposed to be THE feature of TWW and trilogy

  • overcomplicated or severely undertuned specs

  • reworks that are needed. Some communities like havoc/ holy priest / warlocks etc etc cry about them and all you answer with your silence is : noone can hear you scream in space


Ok , this is a good post and you have my support.

as a Havoc , i can feel those things and some more.

calling people ants is a new low.

you missed the zoolander reference mate.

its a joke in zoolander movie …

All of this yes, I can’t see the other list happening somehow.

DĂ©jĂ -vu, i swear i have heard smilar type of complaints in DF as well.