Revert Oblit nerf

The recent nerfs to Frost Death Knights, especially the hit to Obliterate, feel over the top and should be rolled back. From the data on the PTR and live servers, it’s clear that while some Frost builds were pretty strong, these changes hit much harder than expected and mess up multiple playstyles.

Breath of Sindragosa builds were powerful and needed tuning, but other builds like Shattering Deathbringer and Rider of the Apocalypse are now struggling because they don’t get the same boosts from the Deathbringer tree. Two-handed (2H) Frost got hit hard too, making it nearly useless now, even though it was already having issues.

These broad nerfs end up shutting down variety, making some builds nearly unplayable. While balancing Breath builds made sense, the Obliterate nerf was a step too far and hurts the whole spec. To keep Frost builds fun and flexible, Blizzard should undo the Obliterate nerf.


Right now Frost DKS are getting out-dps’ed in heroic nerub raid by classes parsing 10-15% LOWER than the DK.

Revert OBLITERATE NERFS. Buff Frost strike , this is such a useless button to press at this moment.
Frost DK got nerfed in its AOE and ST kit because its was good in 2 AOE boss fights

Now that warlocks are TOP dps in AOE and in ST do they need nerfs??

The tuning is incredibly off-balanced.

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I can only echo the sentiments of those above. This class has been hit way too hard, and we’ve gone from being top-tier to merely “viable.” After having had so much fun playing my character, I’m simply not motivated to push higher anymore. At this point, I can’t see myself doing anything other than dungeon boosts for the rest of the season if Blizzard doesn’t make any adjustments.

Some context: I’ve played Death Knight on and off since its introduction, used to love 2h blood dps spec. Since that got entirely removed I’ve made do with the closest thing to it, 2h frost obliteration. I feel like I’ve over the years gotten a decent grasp on playing it.

A month ago I started playing Discipline Priest first time ever touching it.

my DK is ilvl 612.
my Priest is ilvl 606.

They do the same DPS on ST… my better geared 2h frost obliteration DK does the same amount of sustained dps as a healer… great balance. Pretty sure since the patch my DK lost between 25-35% of its stable ST dps.