Revert the game or fix this game b4 everyone quits

I mean jungle w bm and feral is just zug zug is the same as any meelecleave.

Rmp needs a tiny bit of skill.

And calling others bad when ur 1853 w 500+ games played as bm jungle is very cringe.

the difference is that these abilities actually have a CD longer than their duration.

Since i have 90% win against that comp i actually do. :joy:

Yeah ofc, however these counter abilities sre always off cd when you need them, so duratiin compared to cd doesn’t matter that much.

Anyways, i agree that amp weakness is completely toxic and broken against certain speccs.

Nah it’s exactly what I’m saying, they ruined setup comp to the ground and then only thing left is melee cleave or double caster.

I think even if I am 1853 I never payed to achieve something I couldn’t do with my hands boy, so please when I will see you gain more rating with your hands then maybe I will respect you.
And no I didn’t play jungle most of the time because my friend didn’t want to play hunter before so I just played for fun until 2 weeks ago when we decided to push.
Problem is you dont know how things went , but i for sure know thwt you are a boosted ape and i will never respect you or take adivice from you when we speak about pvp.
out of the game we can go for a beer and currywurst when you want

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