Rewards for doing uldum/vale dailies&events

What’s the consequences of skipping most of these new dailies and just do major assault for easy 5.5k cv, and the daily for an easy 1k cv, and a few easy events which isn’t that bad?
Remember I could skip all the horrible stuff in nazjatar and mechagon and still get my rep not that much slower.

I remember doing nazjatar and mechagone for essences, and it never felt horrible to do compared to uldum and vale.
In nazjatar, there are 3 pretty easy dailies for your follower, and then you do some world quests which you can cherrypick the easiest.
Mechagon you could simply do the main objective and get a 900rep a day for doing something as easy as picking 6 chests, 3 rares etc.
All of the above felt at least rewarding.

Even when I do stuff for almost an hour on uldum and vale I feel so unsatisfied, like I took a pizz in the ocean to warm it up.

The current faction quests seem rushed and clunky at best, and very much an after thought from my experience. The real bonuses come from the weekly and bi-weekly invasions and daily mini visions. I’m just doing these, as time wise… these daily quests feel a bit useless… Unless you have all the time in the world of course, but just not very efficient.

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