Please do something about it. So many buttons to press as a tank… the hpnis so low compared to other tanks. The aoe damage is weak, pulling a group always is hard to agro because of the clumsy spell design
I love hhe pandaren lore and monk spec and i want to maine it, please make it a bit more enjoyable
Button Bloating is not the problem of brewmaster. There’s barely button bloating.
It is SO ENJOYABLE, just need tunning and Rework on Niuzao + a pair of useless talents on tree
If blizzard want to fix BrM they have to add some scaling on pack size (rework A&S so the CDR on brew is no longer split by size of the pack) and totally rework Niuzao (joke talent atm).
I agree about button bloat. It’s just stupid for BM - it’s currently the only spec I ran out of space on 4 stacked hotbars.
It super cool gameplay design and idea - but really needs rework - would feel a lot better if those abilities flow from one to another, have some combo options and so on. The amount of just dps rotation buttons is prolly higher than ench sham in DF. Which is just crazy for a tank where more focus should be on positioning, grouping and support group a bit with all monks utility and mitigation , cd management - not spamming 50 buttons to try and keep aggro while barely staying alive. Thai spec really deserves some love from devs and design team.
all tanks have problems with buttons bloating. brew is just top.
on paladin i have to stay on consacration, get 3 holy power to have righeoust shield up and still feel squishy. i need a 3rd defensive up for some pulls.
the whole design is stupid. i spend more time pressing buttons than actualy enjoying the game. for tank busters if you dont have 2 or 3 defensives up you are oneshoted.
i am 635 ilvl and on 10s if healer is not a pro my hp goes from 100 to 20 with one shot while i am in consacration and shield up but i have to move because of mechanics.
if healer used gcd to heal someone else and i dont have time to put consacration up then get 3 holy powers again for shield then another heal or another defensive, i am dead. its just so freaking fustrating and button smashing to tank and to heal i belive.
i rememebr in legion i had to be sure to keep 3 holy power for shield on tank buster. if i stood in consacration i took noticeable less damage but needed shield of righeous to be on par with other tanks.
now its just to many buttons and to many defensives at a time, plus moving, plus interupts and makes tanking a chore instead of fun
While i do agree that the season is horrendous for tanks. And you really do need to know the dungeons to survive on higher keys. But honestly being ilvl 635 and going from 100-20 on a plus 10… i feel like thats exaggariting a bit.
Sure if you pull big enough and maybe even certain tank busters it might happen. But when i do 10 keys for vault, im pretty sure i could go by just using ardent all dungeons.
That being said. Paladin is a very cooldown oriented tank…
As for the button bloat, i recently started a brewmaster maybe a week or two ago. I havent pushed 12’s but ive gotten most on 11 and rest on 10 (currently 625 ish ilvl). Im certainly not a pro at the spec, but i feel like theres more buttons on pally than brew. I dont think its that bad. You can even forego 2 active defensives for passive ones.
I have these jumps on certain tank busters and on some trash, for example grim batol, after 1st boss , when you clear the grups with golem and 2 more groups with some kind of atack that if i do not have consacration, shield and another defensive up i get 1 shot to 20% then if i so not manage to healr or healer not focused to heal…next shot kills me. Its freaking annoying
I do not feel such pressure in grim batol when i pair with discipline priest tho but still.l
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