Rework convoke!

Because not every class has an interrupt with 45 yards range? (no class)
And when they fade in from invis the already channel half their skill before you can see them.


There’s so many things that make no sense how it got past the testers, goes from specs being so bad on the scale they might as well not play to classes being beyond broken compared to the rest.

It’s sad but it’s the state of Blizzard.


Totally agree, especially in Battleground, if they position themself right, you are going to die.


But it’s not instant

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mind controll , fear :stuck_out_tongue:

pet CCs

I didn’t. I called out its absurdity literally in their announement post that there would be any.

My opinions shifted a bit as the abilities shifted. I became of the mind that nerfing the abilities would reduce my original worry, but I still wanted there to be differentiations between the Covenants.

But look at my comment on Convoke:

Convoke the Spirits: This will cause mass confusion. It’s basically a bit like Feral Frenzy, except 16 times more random. It’ll pick random targets, random spells, and it’ll cast them all really fast. Is it possible it does almost nothing at all because it casts 8 Sunfires and 8 Moonfires? Yes. Is it possible that it’ll just smash someone with 16 Starfires and take 80% of their HP instantly? Sure.

So yeah - I caught it, and Blizzard did not give a single solitary damn.

And I didn’t even take account of the fact that it might be spamming Full Moon or Starsurge. That hadn’t even occurred to me - so I actually vastly undersold how insane that thing would be - but I still saw it coming.


(Um… why do you replied this to me? ^^’ )

Because you wrote

How did that spell slipped thrugh the testers is beyond me

Point is that it didn’t slip through the testers, and I was one of them. It slipped through Blizzard. :stuck_out_tongue:


Ohhhh… okay :cocktail:

Yeah, sorry if I wasn’t clear on that.

To say that I’m salty that they added such utterly absurd cooldowns to the game, not to mention the number of them, would be an understatement. They could’ve added something interesting, but nooo~

Let’s make sure I have like 30 cooldowns to keep track of and if I mess up tracking a couple I’ll get 100-0’d from range. Good game design ty Blizz.

accorting to warcraft logs warlocks do more dps then druids :stuck_out_tongue:

What testers???

You can see a mile off there was zero balance testing before sl releasing…

Druids are a joke… even new dinged level 60 200 ilevel druids do enough dps for 15+ mythics…

Pvp wise if you dont interupt them they kill someone… only top end pvp dp they have trouble


I mean look at frost dk 3 min cd dragon crits for 20k but averages 8k per mob… convoke starsurge lol… eclipes even 3 dks using dragon haha


I swear in the alpha it was originally 21, then lowered to 18, before going live at 16…

If you want a good laugh though, just remember convoke exists alongside hunters necrolord ability, death chakram :clown_face:

Never mind that look at balance vrs survival… the difference in dps is so big its like survival is level 50 and balance is level 60

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Convoke is one of the most ridiculous things that has happened in this game. I have no idea how devs let this get past, seems super weird to me. Balance druids can literally 1 button themselfs to victory in dps charts. In raids balance druid was 1 k behind me in dps but he saved his convoke just before the boss was about to die and shot himself to first and passing me by quite a bit.
This skill needs to be revorked or removed its ridiculously OP atm and none of the other classes have as silly covenant skill.

Was doing some m+ on tyranical , the druid was like : "hope convoke crits " :joy:

I finally levelled up my Druid over the weekend and even though I am Feral, Convoke seemed extremely overpowered… seeing Balance Druid’s use it… even more so.

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rogues 1400% damage increase in Legion was the moust ridiculous thing :stuck_out_tongue:
well they hit currently 40k+ with a shadowstrike whats a big joke aswell

Thing is if they remove convoke druids become useless… its all their damage. It just needs mega nerfed. Its zero skill dps and only hunters should have this title…