Rework Warrior Trees

Coming from a PvP aspect, not only do both spec lack a lot of meaningful utillity but their rotation feels very bland.

BT spamming is literally the Fury PvP build while throwing in some Onslaughts. Its very brain numbing and spammy.

Arms feels like a dmg bot, with pretty useless overall talents. The general class tree has very bad and meaningless capstones. Spear of Bastion is never played, wed much rather have Necro Banner from SL, if u need to tune it, thats fine, im mainly after the slow immunity, feels horrible being one of the only melees that requires u to literally stand 2 yards from ur target. Rogues has like 10 yards or smthn, ret got reworked to 20/30 yard, Enh can still press buttons from a far, use static, purge, kick. DK also has a ranged build with clawing shadows and coil being 30 yards. DH is just way more mobile. WW is also more mobile with a complete kit that feels pruned from warrior in order to make a better warrior class.

Id like more utillity, rallying cry feels very meaningless for such a long CD, same goes for Bitter Immunity. U literally pick them because theres nothing else. While i do like Dragons Roar, in pvp specifically alot of classes can remove both odyns fury and dragons roar in 1 global, evokers being able to dispell it, rogues can cloak, paladins can bop it. U can ice block it. Theres just so much.

At the very least rework the honor talents, theyre so lackluster, theres been 3 honor talents thats been consitently played for years, because everything else is just totally negible. Contemplate giving arms bloodrage, theres no reason not to. U sit in roots at all times nowadays. Being pretty much the only melee that needs to be in melee range nowadays also having such poor utillity and ways of getting out of roots feels pretty bad. U shouldnt have to race change to gnome to get rootbreak per minute that u get rerooted on.

Pls FIX CAPSTONES, theyre horrendous.

Edit: Honorable mention, Spear of Bastion can be bugged and 80% of classes can get out of it while it does next to no dmg, and crit being heavily nerfed in pvp ontop of it being nerfed to begin with makes it next to useless talent, theres never gonna be a reason to pick it. Feels pretty bad while other classes consitently use their SL covenant abillities.

Havent done much PVE but i cant imagine it being better, literally most classes just bring way more utillity and prob dmg. There needs to be a rework, there was a small one made for arms at the begining but it changed nothing, u didnt rework the capstones, or bring out new core utillity. Fun thing to have might be crushing assault from BFA, slam isnt used ever this could make it atleast fun to press when it proccs.


Freaking remove spear of bastion end of story.
It’s not only that you have to aim and it is so anti-fun, it has also a so anti-warrior look.

Just give necrolord banner back or just a different banner. Or bring more shouts to buff/debuff the party.

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I feel you bro i love arms the only spec i like to play in pve but it’s too much atm. With all of these ranges specs with all the utility on the world and top of that they are the best damage dealers and have bloodlust effect when we ask for 1% of their utility some people comes and argue that ower damage it good can’t have anything eles like bro do you play the same game that we are playing?! This whole dragonflight talents system is huge downgrade for arms. I love playing warrior but having to spec full full single target to do average dps is not fun and ower entire dps depends on execute phase. Just make these execute phase talents baseline or something it’s 99.99% just mythic bosses thing can’t get benefits from adds in m+ or anything that dies fast like m+ bosses on adds week. I know you are talking about pvp or arena but i tell you it’s the same thing in pve bro the class compared to other specs just doesn’t feel like we are playing with same lvl it feels like we are stuck on classic design auto attack spec you either rage caped or rage starved have to do perfect set up to do damage and utilities test of might while everyone else is just the better version of themselves and burst aoe and single in secend. They need to look at arms seriously the spec have many flows. They need to get arms theme right a weapon master that wears plate but agile and flexible, this would be very easy to fix just adopt some old talents from previous expansion like legion and bfa and legendaries from shadowlands. Stop making us execute bots that clearly doesn’t work in arena and m+ it dose work in mythic raids yes but it’s feels bad if boss choose you to do the mechanic or need to sacrifice yourself in execute phase because you dont have immunity. Change our damage profile more consistent less execute. Legion sweeping strike talent lvl 15 replace cleave talent and lvl 110 opportunity strike , clossal smash legendary from shadowlands, mortal compo and bfa Azerites: lord of war, crushing assault should replace execute talents. Necrolord banner give it horde or alliance theme just like the new mega dung boss. Fighting that boss seriously hurts me alot see how arms warrior could have been… heroic blade master not just execute bot or sometimes bleed bot you played that build in m+. I think they got arms right in shadowlands especially in 9.2 but idk how the new talents just downgrade us which supposed to be empowering us.

Paragraphs. You should learn about them.

I don’t think we have a mobility problem, I didn’t play for a long while but mobility has been every time a problem for warrior & in a way that’s the best counter for anybody against us. Snares, roots & ccs are a pain that we have to deal with.

On the other hand, I agree that the gameplay is pretty poor compared to what I can see on other classes. My main goal being to ensure my targets will be packed enough to deal High damages to overstress the healer against me & open a window for a kill.

As you say Dragon Roar is a competent CD, but is easily removable by a lot of classes destroying it’s power completely. We need to rely on an overwhelmed / incompetent player(s) to really provide an important burst to take the dominant hand & I don’t see any other way to provide this spike of damage at the moment.

Spear of bastion is too situational to be effective, not accounting it’s not working as expected. I see the shaman having no problems with their totem, I really wonder how this one can be bugged…

There are a lot of useless talents in the 2 branches that need to be reviewed, who is picking Menace/ Cacophonous Roar? Why do we have to loose 1 point for Berserker Rage (this one should be baseline no questions asked…)

If we go to the Arms branch, this a big mess. You have to either choose to focus on Multi or Single, we have basically 2 capstones (Fatality & Bladestorm). The other options are pure waste of points:

  • Dance of Death is ridicule in any aspect of the game
  • Executioner’s Precision is too slow for Pvp
  • Merciless Bonegrinder is pure Pve talent
  • Unhinged is not bad but why is it random? Should be the target we focus on if at range, not a random pet moving alonside you…
  • Hurricane is for me pure Pve talent again, in a Pvp Context it’s only a small boost that is overcome right away by anybody having a snare or a speed boost

I’m just mentioning the last line of talent here, but the whole branch is weird to look at & play around.

Can’t tell how shocked I was when I came back to see I didn’t had spell reflect, Heroic Leap & Berserker Rage baseline.

It just needs the love it had in MoP/Cata even WOD/Legion

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