Reworking metamorphosis

Yeah, that was something the old demo warlock did better.

Idea is awesome - but I think the choices for the player must be given such as the following:

  1. Currently how it is (normal Metamorphosis) but with upgrades making it better and stronger (more offence + more defence) usual stuff basically

  2. RDPS Flying Demon (Flying and doing RDPS)

  3. RDPS Demon form some cross between these 4 DH +Warlock (Shadowbolts and etc something Fel & Shadow related but Warlock/Mage style play)

  4. MDPS (silencer de-buff anti RDPS spells basically)

  5. Tanky beefy Demon (To survive)

I would probably go for 1 & 3.

Where 2 sounds to good to be true haha :smiley: :smiley: maybe in the future though you never know))))

My fav number 1 Class is DH

then my number 2 are these 3 (all 3 being on the same level for me being on my number 2) : Warlock + Mage + Rogue

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