Rez Sickness to get worse (IMHO)

You use Res Sickness in every BG! Even Comp Stomp :heart:

Stop stalking me! :triumph:

Pretty much this, or with the change, if you’re too tight on time to do a long corpse run where sickness ress won’t affect your progress.

Who’s even used Rez sickness since classic?

The spirit healer does not get payment, I can not talk to them to say thank you, it is thankLess job with no pay. I think if I am the spirit healer, I quit this unrewarding job. I do not become a vendor who buys overpriced guts and trash. I become hair barber, so I can cut a person. Hair. HAHA! And I get pay.

I use the spirit healer whenever I’m too lazy to corpse run.

Which is a lot.
I welcome this change.

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I find it so funny that OP thinks he is here to educate devs on whether this is “good” or “bad”.

Bro are you that delusional and gullible…?
They are looking for ways to increase gold spending because they want to boost token sales. Nothing more. Nothing less. Your post is completely pointless because they know all of that already. You cry about gold but it is literally the point of the change. They need to implement ways to make people buy more tokens and they probably were ordered to do this by the top.

But go ahead and keep telling yourself this change was for “gameplay” reasons. Don’t forget to pray the tooth fairy either.

Not sure.
As it’s either you have ok eyesight and sense of direction and you never use res sickness so this change doesn’t affect you or you need to use it more often and this will affect you. Some might value the time more than the gold and that’s a valid view.

Since flying as a ghost is a thing this time (should always have been how it worked) this won’t be an issue (in DF at least).

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Oh no,auto run on flying mounts and alt tabbing gonna be expensive for me now

Just don’t touch the rez sickness mechanic. It is supposed to be “punishing” to take that easy resurrection. There is no punishment anymore with that change. You can just take the rez sickness out of laziness coz you don’t wanna run back and … nothing would happen , no punishment whatsoever.

People have millions golds to spare nowaday, do you think they care about a 800g repair bills ?

Idk man, many changes feel unnecessary , and feel like they’re doing it just for the sake of changing stuff.

Just die to fatigue again (as a ghost) only this time somewhere reachable.

Seems like an utterly pointless change.

I would love to have a toy that gives the player a permanent buff that reduces our stats like rez sickness currently does, even allowing it to be used multiple times to choose how much to reduce the stats. There are occasions in wich I wish I could reduce my character power.

Rez sickness by design is actually to encourage you to NOT die. If you happen to die where you cant find your body it comes in handy. Though 10mins was really a waste of time so I don’t mind the new change however, if they reduced it to 1min they may as well just removed it and left you with the repair penalty - still don’t see how this change is a problem.

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