Rhythm Heroic Team are looking for more players to build out our roster. We have a group of a mixed experience players from vets to first time raiders so all are welcome. Our aim is to get Ahead of the Curve and kill some Mythic Bosses.
Rhythm itself has a Mythic raid team along with plenty of M+ and Social players so there’s always content to be done with the guild. Our raid team takes on a more casual approach to raiding with only one mandatory raid night, however we do also do optional further raids and alt raids.
Raid Schedule - Friday 20:30-23:30 Server Time
Recruiting: Healer & DPS (Any class/spec)
Our Goal: AOTC
What we expect from you:
- Arrive to raid on time (15mins prior for invites etc).
- Bring Consumables to Raid.
- Have a good attitude to raiding, we are building a good atmosphere for everyone to feel welcome.
- Understand your class but also have a willingness to improve.
- Push ilvl to a reasonable standard, raiding logging doesn’t help the team.
If all of the above fits with you or you want to know more please feel free to contact me:
Discord: bigjon_
Battlenet: Bigjon#21415