Ride Into Battle in Deephaul Ravine

Ride Into Battle in Deephaul Ravine

Set your sights on your next PvP adventure within Deephaul Ravine in the Ringing Deeps where you’ll work with your team to secure resources in the mine.

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I am not a PvP player usually, but this map looks so good imo. We need more of them. And perhaps rework old ones too to look the same?

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About time we got a new Battleground! I’m excited to try it.

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Excited to queue for this specific bg all day

I love it!

Looks like fun. Not sure it will tempt me back into trying pvp but who knows.

do somting russian pre made farm group pls

As a solo / coop player, I’m satisfied we get delves.
So I guess its only fair that pvp fans also get a treat.

It’ll be interesting in the blitz mode, but overall can’t wait to have a go and try out some special tactics :smiley:

This looks awesome, not the biggest fan of mine cart maps but a new map is always a nice edition!
Thank you blizzard! :dracthyr_heart:

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A new battle ground? That’s great news :smiley:


It is great that after several seasons we have a new battleground with totally new mechanics to play around. Thanks a lot for giving the PvP community, something to cheer up.

It would be great if we could have either of the two options for not only the map but also for rated PvP going into TWW.

Option 1: Change SoloQ BGB from 8v8 to 10v10 and keep the same rating titles as those of 10v10 RBGs

Option 2: Provide fresh rating title achievements for 8v8 SoloQ BGB which are different from 10v10 RBGs (preferred).

Doing either of the two would not only incentivize players, both new and veterans, as there would be something new to play for, which would substantially increase participation, but at the same time, would neither overlap the two modes, nor kill one mode over the other or make one more interesting/boring than the other one.

Additionally, it would be really nice if both BGB and RBG players can get to use their hard-earned seasonal titles. For example, I got Crimson Hero of the Horde, Verdant Hero of the Horde, etc. but I can use only Hero of the Horde. So there is no difference between someone who earned Hero of the Horde in Cata Season 1 and me, who earned it in Season 1 or 2 of Dragonflight. The earned seasonal titles go into the “Feats of Strength” and are not usable, unlike Gladiator Rank 1 players.

Furthermore, all the five PvP modes, 2v2, 3v3, Solo Shuffle, BGB and RBGs must have their own seasonal mount/skins instead of Gladiators getting it. Getting 2.4k in any bracket requires, skills, grind and lots of dedication…please consider this…

Also, it would be great if BGB and RBG players who cross 1.8 and 2.1k rating brackets got titles like Defender of Horde/Alliance or Protector of Horde/Alliance etc. and NOT Rival/Duelist, which are Arena titles. This particular change would massively incentivize PvPers as such.

It would also be great if PvPers can earn gold from random battlegrounds, as PvEers do from Raids and Dungeons. Occasional gear drop or Weapon drop from Rated Battlegrounds would be insane…

Lastly, please help PvPers utilize the earned vicious saddles for substantial in-game gold, legacy mounts, mount skins, customization of PvP mounts, Gladiator mount skins etc. We have dozens in our inventories laying waste…please consider this.

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wow throwing the pvpers a small bone, first new bg in 6 years?

Criticism has no end. At least Developers have given a new battleground after years and we can hope to get more maps soon… let’s try and put in some constructive points rather just being negative…

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If Blizzard listened to “constructive points” That players have given the game would be in a lot better state, blizzard ignores most if not all feedback, when that happens theres only criticism left, they only listen to the shareholders

7 years ago I’d have been over the moon, but you guys sadly lost me along the way. A bit slow.

But hey, it doesn’t hurt. Hopefully those who still care will have fun with it.

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Yes I completely agree with this. I have been writing several direct Tweets tagging the new CEO Johanna, and then Ion and others sharing the above points and like me several other players also do the same. All it happens is that the feedback and requests are being ignored as always. But off late, there appears some glimmer of hope with currencies becoming account wide, reputations and finally after a long wait a new battleground map with new mechanics coming in… lets hope there are better days ahead

Best post ever! loved it all m8

PvP has been dead for years, yet they put resources into creating a new battleground. I think it’s a giant waste of time and money which could’ve been used for other things in the game.

An example is to update models and textures in old zones such as Kalimdor/Eastern Kingdoms/Outland/Northrend to meet today’s expansion standards when it comes to graphical quality. These continents are really showing their age today when most zones haven’t been touched by Blizzard since between 2007-2010.

A modern starter experience for new players will in the long run make them want to keep playing.

8 arenas and 1 bg per expansion will keep players playing not some npc killing dungeon or raid.

Raid participation has been below the hunger line in df, They should cut out the raid tiers and give us new bgs.

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