Ride the Tides into the July Trading Post

Last year in some of the summer months we also got extra tender.
I bet this year they’re not doing that. With the pre-patch and TWW release getting close, they’re probably not scared of subs dropping much.

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That’s a really cool pet blizzard.
But when will we get playable allied race Naga or even a Murloc?


Does Blizzard forget that we only got a finite amount of tenders? They’re doing these prices as though we can buy tenders…and if their goal is “player retention” for following years that’s just stupid because they keep adding more stuff creating a backlog of things we probably can never buy realistically.

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or Ogre! :rofl:

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Luckily I still have 15K tenders to blow. :smiley:

But sadly and yet again going to give it a skip. Nothing in the TP ever wows me.

Pity you cant sell your tenders on AH.


Not really much of interest to me, saving some more tenders i guess :smile:


I’m glad I haven’t bought almost anything this month, the diver outfits are a must have for me! I’ve wanted something like this since vanilla and the first gnomish helmet!

Another month full of girly stuff, expecially that diver mog!


Ok, this is the fourth pet this year. I’m honestly quite disapointed with both the prices of these items and the monthly rewards. More time passes, the more the monthly rewards seem to get a bit of a downgrade.


The finishing reward is bad and the fishbowl backpack’s cost is stupid

Good heavens :astonished:


Lets ride :slight_smile:

yes too much. ill go for the mog and maybe the mount (i should have some coin spared).
Its becomin too expensive anyway.


I can just see it on the cat walk during Fashion week!!!

Haute couture!!!


There has not been a “buy tender” for quite some time…
And we havent gotten our tenders from remix still

I am sorry but when did the policy of making the monthly reward the most desirable item? Trading post starts to fail hard from month to month… It is simply unfair that you still prefer those who stockpiled tenders at the start when there was a few items that everyone wanted to buy… Now every price is going up and we hardly can buy a thing or 2 becouse you make the reward some stupid s*t the majority would not buy so we can spend 960 tenders on a transmogset pieces by pieces (Are you nuts??) or a mount for 800 that would have costed 600 a year ago… with the same amount of tenders. And sure you might take these back to the vendor again down the line but that is just plain BS… I have items I did not buy more than a year ago and it never made it back to the vendor… Not like I would be able to buy anything else than the mount and maybe 1 of the sets… Screw you blizz. seriously. You make yourself a joke from time and time again… Making good changes and doubling down on bad ones at the same time… Realy dissapointing.

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Seems they did 2023 as a separate list

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The Deepest Depths Diver Suit comes with a buff if you wear it making you able to breath underwater? :eyes:
It would be awesome not gonna lie even if I have Unending Breath as class skill!

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wait wait. not all the classes have underwater breathing? “laugh in druid”

I know, right? Strange